In Chinese Medicine there are 5 Elements which relate to specific organs, functions, and correspond to all things mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. You know, all things having to do with being a slice of Cosmic Life Force, or an extension of the Universe in a human body.
Qi is in constant transformation. Transforming food into energy, excess into waste, breath into oxygen, and more. On and on goes the process from birth to death.
Thus, transformation is imperative.
Transformation is also a word used to describe the process of healing into wholeness.
For example, when a person has an old wound and the energy is still in their system impeding optimal function, and they intentionally transform and release that old energy, they heal.
It’s what all of us are trying to do. Move out the old, so the fresh can do the job it’s designed to do.
Fire. Earth. Metal/Air. Water. Wood.
If you would like to know your primary element Click Here to take quiz.
Elements that we are made from and have life because of. The 5 Elements are like a roadmap as well as powerful portals of understanding for healing and transformation. They are also entryways into the Creative Healing Process.
In addition, this “Qi” or Life Force can be engaged by breath. One particular healing breath is the Microcosmic Orbit. It’s sounds like something from Star Wars, but I promise it’s also part of you in this very moment and nothing to be afraid of.
The dance of Qi with your elements has the potential to activate higher levels of health for you.
Engaging them in a creative process serves like a dance floor of sorts.
Shall we dance?
- Introduction to the creative healing process
- A video demo
- A short guided imagery audio (like a guided meditation)
- Materials list
- Downloadable graphic to work from
- Creating a simple ritual for the process
- Journal prompts