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Are you ready to be healthier than you’ve ever been?

Has the call to create a higher level of health ever been louder?

Even as we move past sheltering in place and physical distancing, whenever that will be, the current virus will still be here. We still need to create a level of health and immunity that is stronger than the virus. Any virus or external pathogen.

Have you considered how you will do that yet?

Has it come to your attention that band-aids aren’t the answer?  That the system of your mind, body Spirit is demanding greater attention.

I had a doctor’s appointment just weeks before Covid-19 caused us all to halt life as we knew it. In her office she wanted me to get the flu shot. I’ve never had a flu shot and I told her I prefer to keep my own system strong and healthy. Even though she considers herself to be a doctor who is ‘open to integrative support’, she looked at me like I was crazy.

I’m not crazy and here’s what I know. And for the record, my point is not whether to vaccinate or not but rather going deeper than that.

It’s ALL about cultivating a greater level health which each of us must create.

If we each don’t strengthen our own system and immunity, we’ll be in trouble going forward. Flu shots (one example of a band-aid) are a shot in the dark. They work for some, but not others. The numbers aren’t in our favor actually.  More importantly, the idea of a shot that will keep us from a dreaded flu is a negligible part of the picture.

It also tends to relieve us from taking responsibility for our whole health.

I’ve been beating this drum for almost 30yrs. and the few who agree have reaped the rewards. Better health, stronger body, little illness.

Admittedly, I have felt like a crazy woman when someone looks at me like I’m asking them to slice the arm off their first born, when all I’m asking of them is to tend their health at a higher level.

But something is changing. The wake-up call is being heard.

Did you know that you have technology in every cell of your being that is far stronger than anything outside of you?

Stronger than a virus, stronger than 5G, pollution, pesticides, toxins etc.

Wouldn’t it be nice to leave your house, breath the air, hug someone, go to work, or eat a meal without worrying if you’re being poisoned or exposed to something that is death defying?

Freedom to leave our house and do just that is our birthright. Enjoyment of that birthright requires that we consciously create our health. At every level…mind, body and Spirit.  This isn’t just a cliché that’s been around for a while, rather it’s a call that’s been trying to get our attention for a long time.

It appears some of us are ready to listen. Are you ready?

In creating higher health, there is a lot to choose from for sure.  My biased is in Chinese Medicine because it works at the level of mind, body, and Spirit thus, a good place to start.

I invite you to consider a 5-Day Healthy Body Reset which works by resetting and supporting your whole system into higher function.

After 5 days people report:

  • Better Energy
  • Better sleep
  • Feeling calm and more at peace (less stress and anxiety)
  • Less or no more pain
  • Better digestion
  • Mental clarity
  • Less inflammation and pain

It can be done in the comfort of your home using Light Therapy Patches on specific acupuncture points. No needles necessary!  Over 5 days your body systems are reset and detoxified to it’s next level.

Research for this technology is 25-30yrs strong, and the use of this technology has been around for well over 100 years.

Science is beginning to understand that our electric signaling is what controls chemistry not the other way around. I believe this will eventually have far reaching impact on how medicine is practiced, and on the daily choices we make to enjoy optimal health.

Now is the time to begin.  If you want to cut to the chase you can Click to Learn More Here

If you’re one who likes video, you can Click Here to Watch Light Therapy Patches Explained,

Share with those you care about in the spirit of “we’re all in this together”!

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