Each of your 50 + trillion cells are a powerhouse of activity. That is if they are functioning optimally.
I have learned over my 30 years as a practitioner of Chinese Medicine (devoted to healing to wholeness – however imperfect) that every cell carries intelligence. A complete blueprint of wholeness. And is woefully under-functioning compared to its potential.
As well, we were taught that we have 2 (two) carbon-based strands of DNA. What we’re learning now is that we actually have 12 (twelve) strands of crystalline-based DNA with so much potential it may cause birds to sing, oceans to clear, air to purify, soil to team with microbes, cells to dance, healing to wholeness, and Life to Thrive. And that’s just the short list.
The purpose of this Creative Health Process is to activate your cellular potential and 12 strands of DNA. To awaken the Life Force that has lain dormant for centuries, ready, willing, and able to active the Light and Love that you are.
- Introduction to the creative healing process
- A video demo
- A short guided imagery audio (like a guided meditation)
- Materials list
- Downloadable graphic to work from
- Creating a simple ritual for the process
- Journal prompts