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creative or productive

Are you creative or productive? Or both? I’m an ‘all of the above’ girl. I notice in myself and others, we are both creative and productive. As a human being, it’s built into our operating system.

The better question might be, “which is more developed?”  Or, “which do we default to habitually?”

That would be ‘productive’ for most of us. And there’s nothing wrong with being productive.

It’s just limiting when being creative is given little attention in favor of over productivity.

In order to unpack this, it’s necessary that we take a view from the perspective of masculine and feminine traits.

Productivity is a masculine trait. Creativity is a feminine trait. Both are great traits.

As a human being who lives on a planet of counter-balance (think sun and moon, yin and yang, dark and light, etc.) we need both to thrive.

Most of us are in a default mode of overproducing and barely surviving, let alone thriving.

When the masculine is out of balance, meaning it doesn’t have enough stabilizing feminine, it over functions into pushing, driving hard, overthinking and analyzing, angry/edgy/frustration/aggression, rigidity, fear, over-controlling, and anxious.

Most of us operate in an over-functioning, push-to-be-productive mode. Right? Who doesn’t have a “To-Do” list as long as their arm? Every time an item gets crossed off, Who doesn’t feel a sense of value and accomplishment?

It’s worthy of a conversation because all that over-functioning squeezes out the really valuable, equalizing, and balancing forces. If there was ONLY sun, we’d be screwed. It there was ONLY fire, we’d die without moon and water. Nothing would grow and we’d scorch to death.

What is imperative in the counterbalance of feminine qualities, are qualities such as creativity, allowing, spaciousness, collaboration (let’s say with Spirit in this sense), gentle, loving, compassionate, and serene.

My job, your job, as a human being, especially as a woman, is to find this balance in yourself. To awaken your creative and compassionate Self who is in collaboration with the divinity within.

This allows love to absorb fear. It allows for creative solutions to weaving their way into your world. It allows for color and hope and transformation and healing.

By the way, if the state of the world makes you cry, I understand. Yet, I know in my heart, that it’s a microcosm of the same microcosm we just talked about. The way to heal the world is to heal our own balance first. It’s got to be one soul at a time.

I’m in, are you? Enjoy a complimentary list of 56 Ways Your Creativity Heals

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