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I’ll never forget when I learned that the body is wildly intelligent. 

Not just the brain, but the whole body. As in…each cell is a mini brain connected to the unified field (which is Love BTW).

Living in a western culture we put a lot of emphasis on brain intelligence, and less emphasis on body intelligence.

As a woman in a western culture you and I have well-developed mental capacities, said another way….we think a lot!

Have you noticed that you tend to mostly pay attention to your body when it hurts. Or to judge it when looking in a mirror. 

Otherwise, mostly we’re in our head. 

And that’s where it all starts…

The worry, anxious thoughts, catastrophizing (meaning assuming the worst will happen), waiting for the other shoe to drop, tension, fear, pain…

What if…

What if, every time our system gets our attention with pain (mental, emotional, or physical), it’s an intelligent message?

Like intel from your Sacred Self. 


I’ve learned this is true more often than not. And here’s why…

Pain on any level ONLY happens when something is out of balance or off track.

Off track usually means one of two things:

1) Too much of something (sugar, stress, toxins, etc.)

2) Too little of something (movement, water, connection to the Source of Life etc.)

Stress hormones ALONE are more toxic than pesticides (don’t get me wrong, pesticides and a human body are a bad combo), but stress hormones are highly corrosive. 

And here’s the clincher…stress hormones and accompanying chemicals are bad news. And most people live in a stress response on auto-pilot these days. NOT normal by any means.

Which is why it’s so easy to get caught by worry and anxiety because we already live so close to the edge of the cliff. Something happens and over the edge we go.

Anxiety and worry are trying to get your attention that something is off track. So you DON’T have to go over the cliff.

It’s harder to climb back up than it is to keep from falling.

What every woman I work with wants… is to live life from a calm center without the constant threat of imminently going over the edge and into the ravine of anxiety, tension, and worry.  

If you don’t know HOW to go from anxiety to calm (most of what’s available is a band aid which you know because you’ve tried) and get to the root of anxiety once and for all, and you’re living in the ravine (so to speak :)…

…Then you should know that we start the Anxiety to CALM Immersion in mid-April and there are still a few spots left (it’s a small group of 10 for high-level personalization).

Together we’ll be eliminating your anxiety by at least half within 30 days. 

I’ll show you exactly how to transform the pathways in your brain, nervous system AND body from anxious to calm.

Serenity is your natural wiring. Could it be that anxiety is a doorway to your Sacred Self?

You’ll awaken parts of your brain and DNA that already has a blueprint for the peaceful and healthy woman that you ‘really’ are. This is your original sacred wiring. 

You’ll bridge the science with your spiritual self and go to the root of anxiety, which is required to get rid of it.

You’ll get better sleep, improved digestion, lessen your pain, stop heart racing, more energy…just to name a few of what chronic stress responses are causing in your body now.

Think you might want more of your Sacred, peaceful, calm, centered Self NOW, instead of later?

Hit REPLY to this email to let me know and I’ll hook you up.

To Your Sacred Health,

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