Dear Spirit-Centered Sister,
This is a Love letter to you, from Divine Love, written and delivered through me. I call you ‘sister’ because a Spirit-Centered Woman such as yourself is my sister.
Divine Love is inviting you to dance with her.
She’s hoping you say yes. Don’t worry, She says. She’s a wonderful lead in your dance together.
In this situation, ‘dancing with Her’, means a creative, colorful, playful healing process that moves old energy to make more room for Her. To make more room for Love.
Which ultimately means access to your birthright of Wholeness, however imperfect your critical self deems you to be.
If you accept Her invitation, She will walk you from wounded and heart-broken, all that old hidden ‘stuff’ (the best compost ever, to blossom your wholeness from), over a suspension bridge, so that you may arrive at the place of Wholeness you’re ready for. The place of Wholeness that has been calling you. Maybe even for years.
There is a mechanism you may or may not know about. She wants you to know how important this is.
Here's a visual...
Small critical mind ->
Fear, worry, doubt ->
Anxiety, tension, depression ->
Addiction ->
Disconnection ->
Problems ->
Limiting stories, beliefs, patterns, ->
Energy tangles i.e… ->
Pain, disease, wounds ->
A Creative Process opens to greater… ->
Inquiry. Intention. Invitation ->
Opens to… ->
Compassion + Acceptance ->
Welcoming ->
Grace & Forgiveness… ->
Liberating LOVE ->
Deep healing w/ lasting impact ->
Worthiness ->
Heart, Soul
Trust, Love
Life Force
Access to Truth
She wants you to hear loud and clear, that you need not be afraid any longer of your wounds.
They hold no True Power. Your True Power lies in your Wholeness. We only access our Wholeness with the Source of Life. Love Herself.
When you say “yes” to walking over the Cosmic Creative Bridge, held the entire time by Divine Love, you arrive on the other side, which is Wholeness. Not just any old wholeness, but YOUR Wholeness.
The Creative Process literally awakens your healing codes, your love codes, your abundance codes, adding up to your precious and unique Wholeness, a thread in the tapestry of Wholeness that is very much needed now on the planet.
The entire fabric of the Universe is Love. It is a beautiful, colorful tapestry, yet some of the threads are muted, waiting to come online. Is your thread muted?
Please don’t hold yourself back from adding your vibrant and colorful thread. Love needs you. She’s calling you in. You wouldn’t be reading this Love letter if you weren’t ready. I promise.
Every human being has at least Four Divine Birthrights:
1) The Divine Birthright of Health and Well-being.
2) The Divine Birthright of Expression, Ease, and Empowerment
3) The Divine Birthright of Abundance and Good (liberating you from old viral
4) The Divine Birthright of Love and Connection
These are our Sacred Inheritance, coded into our cellular intelligence. The codes can be accessed through a Creative Healing Process done with Intention, Inquiry, and Invitation.
The invitation is for Spirit or Divine Love to walk with you from the side of the bridge where you feel wounded, beat down, overwhelmed, exhausted, disappointed, depressed, maybe even devastated. This is the part of us that feels broken-hearted.
She walks with us, holding us, minding the gap, stitching our broken hearts back into the weave of love, to the other side. There She introduces you to the You that is Whole (no matter how imperfect). Our Divinity is untarnished, and has always remained Whole. She helps you remember You.
She shows you how to mine the Gold of Your Heart. Which may be a much needed solution to a problem. Or, something moves that was stuck. Or the healing of a relationship. It could be a physical, mental, or emotional healing. You will feel Her Grace, you will feel an opening, a softening, and insights will arrive in your awareness.
You will activate the treasure of healing Intelligence coded in every cell of your being.
Love is the True Healer. You need her. She needs you to create more Love. That’s the point of Life on Mother Earth.
No more itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, portions of Love. It’s time to discover the ocean of Love that you swim in. That flows in, through, and around you constantly.
It’s painful to block that flow. Living in a state of disconnection, separated from the Source of Life, is the source of our tension, broken-hearts, and deeper wounds.
You can bridge that gap but not usually alone. I can guide you. Grace can hold you. Your Creative Life Force, which is Love, can heal you.
I’m an excellent guide. Grace always arrives. The Creative Life Force, the force that created the entire world and extends Herself as You is unfailing.
Allow me to guide your access to Her, so together, you and She, can experience creative alchemy.
This is for you if you are:
- Ready to safely alchemize or compost what is no longer serving you.
- Ready to liberate yourself from being controlled and limited by your past
programming, beliefs, stories. - Willing to be shown that nothing you’ve ever done can hold you apart from Divine Love. Only our small minds do that.
- Ready to admit you need help. Your small mind can’t do this alone, she doesn’t know how, otherwise she would have done it already.
- You want to explore, or expand, your inborn creative life force as a conscious divine unfolding.
- You imagine that being free to explore from guided prompts is the best of both
worlds! You like doing your homework 🙂 - You have any or all of the following: health concern(s), desire for more ease and heart-felt expression, money or work stuff not working as well as you know it could, yearning to draw in, and/or strengthen any relationship you have (romantic, working, friendship)
- For many women they realize that they are looking for Her in overeating (food
comes from the Mother). But the nourishment we crave can’t be found in eating
more. It can only be found in letting Love Herself in. She’s knocking and your
creative play is a way to open the door she’s knocking on.
Who this is Not for:
- A woman who isn’t willing to ‘do her work’. This is a guided Self study course which means the study of Self (with a capital “S” referencing our Higher Self).
- A woman who isn’t willing to take responsibility for her journey. If she mostly blames anyone outside of herself for the happenings in her life, she hasn’t yet been willing to take full responsibility.
- By self-assessment, if you consider yourself a “C” student or lower, meaning you don’t do your homework, you procrastinate, make excuses, this program probably isn’t for you, at least at this point in time anyway.
How This Self-Study Program Works:
This is a Guided Creative Retreat for Your Soul. Done at your own pace, in the privacy of your own space.
There are 4 Modules that include combinations of video, audio, and worksheets.
You can set aside 4 smaller pockets of time, 2 medium pockets of time, or do it all at once.
Your choice, based on your schedule.
It’s important that you finish all the modules, as the transformation happens as you bring your energy full circle, so choose your creative play pockets with that in mind.
Review and Redo as often as you like. Most women love the results so much that they continue to bring everything that comes up to this Altar of Transformation that is a Creative Healing Process. It’s that impactful.
There is a private Facebook group that supports all the women on this journey. Ask questions, post photos, get guidance.
There are regular Creative Healing calls that you’re welcome to attend anytime your schedule allows. You’ll always get your invitation by e-mail. Once you’re in our Creative Healing Community, you’re always welcome on these calls, even long after you finish your program. It’s where we Connect. Create. Celebrate. In a Sacred Circle.
What You’ll Be Doing:
Gathering supplies as simple or elaborate as your Creative Muse wishes (a fun part if you’ll allow it, wink, wink)
Deciding on your creative play space, including any set up you may need.
Listening to Guided Audios that soften resistance, open your capacity to envision this journey, activate your creative life force, and invite your Sacred Self.
Going thru four sets of course videos that prompt you along the journey.
The Four Part Journey (all guided):
Awareness of Human Birthrights, and scribing of known wounds.
Accessing safety and sacred space.
Creative play. Bridge to Wholeness.
Mining your Gold, Insights, Guidance, Solutions, Direction.
I had a very powerful experience. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and truthfully I was hesitant, but Laurie is very clear, makes everything easy and safe, and she’s a great guide. I’ve had some significant issues that are now transformed and I’m beyond thrilled. I could actually feel energy moving in me, which was, and still is, very sacred for me. It was a great exercise for me to let go of an outcome AND to be inspired by the process instead of being critical of myself. WOW.
This Creative Healing Process was an incredibly moving experience. I was surprised and a little amazed by how clearly I heard a message from myself, to myself, that I don’t think I otherwise would have been able to access. The most important things to me have changed for the better in ways I don’t think I would have seen without this process. What a wonderful experience!
I loved spending time with my creation because it allowed me to hear my wisdom. And it was the Creative Healing Process that allowed me to get there. I’d been trying so hard to get this abundance insight and it came through this process. And it was fun, I’ll take that any day.
Laurie’s shared insight/intuition & own experience allowed me to feel safe and accepted. I can see now how creating abundance really is a spiritual journey. I have a desire to do it again and more. It’s as if it’s the answer I’ve been searching for as a way to get to my own core/heart/soul. This process did it for me. I looked in me, not outside of me and things finally started shifting for the better!
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