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heart medication

Does your doctor really (really) want you to take medication for a ticking up cholesterol level or blood pressure reading?

And you really (really) don’t want to take medication, but you also want to be smart about your heart health.

Or….maybe you’ve already given the medication a try and didn’t like how you felt on it. But your doctor is still concerned and really wants you to try again.

I wish I were a fly on the wall because I’d love to hear doctors say this truth….Heart Disease is absolutely reversible, there are piles of medical studies that prove this is true for people. People you might even know. It could be you even.

Multiple times a day I talk with women who face this situation and they always say, “I don’t want to take the medication, I hear terrible things about it!”  Or, “I hated how I felt on the medication, and when I stopped, I felt normal again.”

Symptoms of rising cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, or inflammation, or heart disease, is a symptom of some other issue that your body is dealing with causing your heart to struggle.

I wonder, is it medication that’s going to help you live a long healthy life?  I don’t see evidence of medication being the primary reason people live longer and healthier.

There’s more to it than that. Sure, it may be necessary for a short period of time to help your blood pressure be normal, but it’s not a long-term solution, it’s a band-aid. What about the root cause?

Getting to the root cause is what reverses heart disease and prevents a cardiac event. A long-term solution that heals the root cause is what’s in those piles of medical studies that proves how reversible heart disease is.

Has your doctor ever mentioned those studies to you?

Heart disease doesn’t have to be a death sentence. With or without family history. With or without symptoms. With or without medication.

But getting to the root cause is imperative to living a long healthy life. Arteries don’t harden or narrow for no reason. There’s always a reason and it’s the root.

I imagine if you are a woman who has cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, or inflammation levels that are creeping up your doctor has told you that you must take medication. Which may make you feel caught between a rock and a hard place.

I also hear women saying, “If I knew what to do, I’d be doing it!” Or, “I thought I was doing all the right things and something still isn’t working.”

I understand from the bottom of my heart how disheartening this can be. I was that woman and all I can tell you is that it was more than worth it to change things up, put a recipe of heart health together that went to the root of the problem, and go for it with all I had.

Turns out it paid off. I’m on no medication, all my markers are in good shape and I feel great. True for all the women I work with at this level as well. It’s not that difficult really, it just has to be all the steps, not just a couple of them. And it has to reach the root cause.

There are 7 failproof steps to heart health that I outline in my book “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally ~ The Woman’s Guide to Not Die Before Your Time”.

You can get a free copy here:

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