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spiritual healing

For years I’ve heard that human beings are born into a virtually inescapable ‘programming’. Whether it’s carried in our DNA, or we pick it up from our culture, environment, belief systems, or a combination, the programming is not easy to avoid.

What do I mean by ‘programming’?

I think of it like computer programs that are outdated. Sometimes our computer gets a virus. Often, we need to upgrade to a new operating system.

Until a human being wakes up and consciously evolves past the programming, what seems inescapable are beliefs or programs causing one to feel….

  • Unworthy
  • Undeserving
  • Unlovable
  • Not being good enough
  • Not having enough of things like time, energy, money, or love
  • Broken beyond repair
  • I am one who worries, is depressed, or anxious a lot of the time
  • I can’t do that! That person was born with that talent or gift, but not me
  • This sadness, grief, and emotional pain is simply how it is, so I’ll make the best of it
  • Disconnected from self, heart, others, and the Source of Life.

The thing is, all of the above make it seem like it’s ‘just the way it is’, or ‘just the way I am/have always been’.

As a result, we prove to our human mind that these programed beliefs are true, over and over, and they feel utterly true. And they are certainly true in our experience, yet they are not THE Truth.

We live with these viral programs for an entire life or lifetimes. Until we elevate ourselves beyond them.

Sometimes a bit of a catch 22. But only when we don’t invite help from our Higher Self.

Life. Life on its own, without the beliefs and projections we toss upon it, is much more naturally healthy, whole, easy, abundant, creative, and filled with love.

It’s a cleaner operating system. Virus free.

What if the current Covid viral emergency is an external alert for what is also going on internally?

Please hear this the way I’m intending it. People are suffering and dying, this current virus is having an impact that is not easy. My heart breaks because of this.

As a healer, I’m always asking for the deeper layers, if there is a larger message, and what that might be. Honestly, everyone is a healer, thus digging under the surface is a reasonable consideration for us all.

Last December my car battery died, and it was less than 3yrs. old.  Got it charged back up thinking it was a one-time fluke, but it happened again, twice in January. The mechanic said, “Your battery is losing its connection for some reason and thus, getting drained of its charge”. So, I asked myself what the message of ‘losing charge’ was. It didn’t take long to receive the insight which was an invitation to strengthen my connection and keep myself charged more often with the Source of Life.

To pay attention when I get ‘disconnected’ and tend it right then and there. So I did. And it helped tremendously. I have so many stories like that it would bore you to tears.

The point is, life is communicating all the time. Feedback loops are everywhere along the journey to wholeness for each of us as individuals, and as a collective.

Devastating plagues and epidemics have cycled through humanity since the beginning of recorded history. If we just go back 100 years, we have the Spanish Flu, Asian Flu, AIDS, SARS, Avian, Swine, MERS, Ebola, Zika, and Covid-19.

People say history repeats itself. That’s only half true. Yes, it repeats itself if we lock into that being the only option moving forward. The other truth, that most of us don’t consider enough, goes something like this for me…”If this is what happened, what did we learn, and how can we create a different reality going forward?”

I’m fascinated how answers to Life’s questions are often ‘hidden in plain site’.  What if movies are a way for us to consider how we project stories onto the screen of life. Or, composting teaches us how we too, can transform our inedible scraps (emotions, pain etc.) into fertile soil.

Or the ancient wisdom of alchemy…turning our lead into gold.

We. Are. Being. Called. Individually and as a collective to look at the internal viral programming and claim what is True.

What if the invitation is to release the internal, false viral programming? Would you be willing?

What is True?  Here’s what I know so far…

  • Optimal function, health, and well-being is your birthright. Every cell of your being holds a blueprint for health and wholeness and needs to be activated by you. This Truth renders false the prevailing cultural current that disease inevitable.
  • Ease is our natural state, not stress and tension.
  • Abundance and good is also our birthright.
  • Love being the entire fabric of the Universe makes up every particle of your being, carried by Light particles and waves.

The perpetuation of programmed beliefs and false ideas opposite of everything above is the underlying virus.

Might we consider that for over 100yrs. we have been missing the message? I happen to know that when a human being exchanges what is false for what is True, an inner strength builds. This strength is a healthier body, mind, and Spirit.

No matter where one is right now in this very moment, we all have a next level of Truth to reach for. Greater connection to cultivate. More wholeness to cause and create.

The key. The mic drop. The prime directive is to not miss this. How much more suffering and  devastation will it take to wake up? Will we heed the current call and tend to our Natural Self?

Since the beginning of time, regardless of external circumstances, there have been people who have exampled living in natural alignment with Life.

These courageous Souls had a few things in common that we would do well to consider for ourselves…

  • They opened and healed their heart in order to have access to the inborn wisdom and intelligence in every cell, naturally causing health in their body and mind.
  • They wrestled the reins of control away from their lower human mind (some call it the ego), and gave the reins to their Higher Divine Self.
  • The did the above over and over until the lower human mind realized the gig was up and surrendered to the role of serving Life/Love/The Universe/Superconscious Mind/Spirit/God/The Divine (whatever name works for you).
  • They caused and created their Wholeness and Sovereignty.

Amid our global health emergency, there are plenty who might read these words and think the author a lunatic. But there are plenty of others who are awakening with eyes to see and ears to hear who are ready, willing, and able.

May you be one who is ready. While there is no need for a mad rush, there is no time to waste.

Your heart knows every step. The Light in every electron of your being (that’s trillions x a trillion electrons) is ready to heed your call. Activate on your command. Release the healing power of Love that accompanies Light, and take you directly into the portal of a Higher Consciousness and Well-being.

Your lower human mind can’t do this. It has NO idea how. If it did, it would have done it by now. The journey is from your head to your heart because the heart knows. The heart is a sacred altar upon which we place our fears, burdens, worries, pain, and suffering and rise up with vitality, clarity, understanding, peace, and willingness to simply do our part.

No one person will “save the world”, but each of us doing our part contributes to the transformation of the whole.

Consider how MUCH more Light there is in just one of your cells than disease or disharmony in any part(s) of your body, mind, or emotions. Honestly, it’s staggering.

Will you walk with me on this journey to the Wholeness that we already are? Will you join me in exchanging the old, dense energy for Light emanating from your being?  Let’s upgrade our Operating System.

I hope so. I really do. Let’s elevate and honor Life. The Life, Light, and Love that is beating our heart and pumping our blood right now.

If you need a place to start, you can Click Here for some free resources.

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