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If you are human you are creative. Even more so if you are a woman. The design of a woman’s body is for creation. As a woman, your body is a divine instrument through which new life is constantly created. This means a ‘baby’ a small percentage of time. For some women, it may never mean a baby. Which means there’s a lot of other creations happening throughout a lifetime.

Your deep desires are nudges from the divine as to what would make your soul sing among the myriad of creative options.

I’m not talking just about painting, writing, sculpting, rather I’m talking about being creative in every corner of life. Finding creative solutions to situations at work, at home, in how to weave healthy food into your days, and how to relate with your loved ones, and yes…creating art or beauty in the traditional ways.

What does this have to you being whole and healthy?


Creativity is a way of knowing what isn’t yet conscious. It’s a portal to the deeper parts of ourself while at the same time being a safe way to discover, release, and heal anything.

We can enter the creative portal with a question, a problem, or a need, and come out the other side with the sacred sauce we need to answer the question, solve the problem, or tend to the need.

Entering the creative portal is a spiritual journey. A journey we are designed to take. No person is an exception to this.

You and I are constantly creating because that’s who we are. We can’t, not be creative. The nature of the Universe is creative impulse. Constant creative impulse. And that creative impulse runs through our blood. Is our blood.

The moment a woman realizes, accepts and cultivates this truth for herself is the moment she begins to heal at every level of her being. From grief, loss, pain, confusion, anger, stress, depression, anxiety, to a mild or devastating diagnosis. And the biggest one of all: Fear.

Fear steals from us all day long. Steals our energy, our inspiration, our willpower, and our life force. Creativity bypasses fear and cuts to the quick in the most amazing ways.

And it’s a LOT more fun to return fear to love through the creative portal than any other I’ve found.

As each ‘doing’ is reverently approached from the creative being that you are, it transforms into a sacred outcome. I’m talking ‘doings’ from the mundane to the profound.

From dressing yourself as if you are a ‘canvas’ by choosing the colors and adornments of your body/canvas to please yourself as the presence of beauty and art that YOU are. To the extra moment, you take to have flowers on your table, and music in your space, and scents that lift your spirits (like essential oils), to the tone you choose with your child/partner/boss/grocery store clerk, to the next book you write or speech you deliver.

It’s endless the channels of creative expression that connect you to the divine all day, every day.

We just miss them, more often than not. Let’s stop missing them and start playing with them, honoring them, and reveling in them. Which in turn, heals, releases fear and expands Love.

Click here for a 3-part Video Class on How to Release Fear

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