Whether you’ve heard the good news yet or not, Creativity is a key ingredient in bringing abundance and good into our mind, body, and life.
Not just ‘any’ creativity, but YOUR Creativity!
Before you say you aren’t creative, let me stop you right there, and let you in on a secret…which is actually a Truth…
Every single being alive is an extension of the Creative Life Force, including you.
You can’t not be a creative being. You were born creative. It’s in every cell of your being.
“Before a child talks they sing. Before they write they draw. As soon as they stand they dance. Creativity is the basis of human expression.” ~Phylicia Rashad
Maybe your creative muscles need to be strengthened, and that’s fair, but you can’t say you aren’t a creative being if you’re alive.
Strengthening your muscles is where I can support you. Sort of like a personal trainer in the gym but instead I’ll be ‘spotting’ you at the canvas and in your journal.
That’s how you build your creative muscle. And when a woman shows up for herself in this way, magic happens. Based on research.
It spills into her life like a warm golden medicine. Her personal medicine.
Most woman don’t know where to start, how to stick with it, and what to do to creatively heal and move the energy blocking her from the yearing of her heart, including a healthy heart.
I’ll show you, guide you, support you, and teach you what you need to know.
In the, “Show’em how to catch a fish and they eat for a day, but teach them how to fish, and they eat for a lifetime” way.
You’ll have the creative skills you learn for life. To apply to anything and everything that comes your way. All the while creating beauty and vitality in your body, life, relationships, and work or business.
Love is the essence of the Life and Beauty the expression.
Every woman I work with says they wouldn’t have done it on their own, because they needed the guidance and accountability.
They ALL are blown away by what they discover, shift, transform, heal, and manifest.
Are you ready to be one of them? Are you ready for a co-creative partnership? Your head may not be up for it, but your Heart is for sure.

Whether your most pressing concern is Health related, Financially related, or Love related, unlocking your own Creativity is one of the most important keys. Why?
Because, your Creative Life Force is the same thing as Infinite Intelligence, Source, Spirit, Divine Love, the Universe, no matter what you call it, connecting with, and cultivating it, heals your body, mind, emotions, heart, uncovers your solutions, and most certainly attracts Love. Because it IS Love.
Here are the ways to play, I hope you say ‘yes’ to yourself, to your Creative Life Force, even if your mind is telling you it’s a terrible idea (that’s what a protective, critical mind is supposed to do), the heart knows better. If your heart says yes, then do it!

- Initial Assessment (value $150)
- 4 Weekly 45min. Sessions (value $500)
- Embodied Abundance Program (value $297)

You will come away with an understanding of how creativity heals, you will have seen &/or felt a healing or transformation for yourself.
You will discover the impact of a creative practice in your life.
You will become connected to your Source and Creativity.
You will build the muscle of listening to your Inner Guidance, Wisdom, and Intelligence
You will calm your critical mind.
You will practice creative intention and mindfulness, which you’ll bring with you to all areas of your life.
You’ll reawaken the joy of color in your days.
You’ll have shifted something of minor importance to you in the 30 days we work together.
1 Month = $495
(Total Value = $947)
- Initial Assessment (value $150)
- 12 Weekly 45min. Sessions (value $1500)
- Embodied Abundance Program (value $297)

You will come away with an understanding of how creativity heals, you will have seen &/or felt a healing or transformation for yourself.
You will discover the impact of a creative practice in your life.
You will become connected to your Source and Creativity.
You will build the muscle of listening to your Inner Guidance, Wisdom, and Intelligence
You will calm your critical mind.
You will practice creative intention and mindfulness, which you’ll bring with you to all areas of your life.
You’ll reawaken the joy of color in your days.
You’ll have shifted something of major importance to you in the 90 days we work together.
3 Months = $1295
(Total Value = $1947)
- This is a Live Group Program
- Initial Assessment (value $150)
- Rebirth Plan (written) (value $400)
- Bi-Weekly 45min. Sessions (20) (value $2500)
- Half-Way Assessment (value $150)
- Embodied Abundance Program (value $297)
- Art of Returning to Love Program (value $997)

You will come away with an understanding of how creativity heals, you will have seen &/or felt a healing or transformation for yourself.
You will discover the impact of a creative practice in your life.
You will become connected to your Source and Creativity.
You will build the muscle of listening to your Inner Guidance, Wisdom, and Intelligence
You will calm your critical mind.
You will practice creative intention and mindfulness, which you’ll bring with you to all areas of your life.
You’ll reawaken the joy of color in your days.
You’ll have shifted several areas of major importance to you in the 9 months we work together.
You will be a whole and different woman (different in the ‘new and improved’ way of being different).
In the spirit of rebirth, the 1st Trimester will be about releasing, cleansing and purifying; the 2nd Trimester will be about rebuilding and recreating yourself; the 3rd Trimester will be about cultivating, curating, and manifesting from a whole and creative place of being. You. A Creative Genius.
9 Month Rebirth Program = $3495
(Total Value = $4494)
Each Program Also Includes:
- Inquiry e-Journal (Rebirth program you’ll receive a hardcopy 125 page journal)
- Quantum Qi Breathing Class
- A private forum for connecting, inquiring, and celebrating
- And often ‘surprise goodies’
***‘Dip Your Toe’ may be applied to ‘Wade to Waist’ (ONLY if applied before your current program ends ~ no exceptions)