Accessing the ONLY antidote to Stress, Worry, or Anxiety on the Planet to finally eliminate the tension in your body and life so you can enjoy a clear mind and health in your body is mindfulness in action…
In other words…
One of the things that makes it SO sweet when you nip a stress response in the bud…
… is knowing exactly what you did and why…it’s not like you “purposefully” let stress mess with your mind and body…
It’s not like you WANT to be cobbling together a bunch of things like supplements, therapy, breathing techniques in order to just keep stress at bay…
Maybe it’s just me?
I can misplace my compassion for myself (and others) when I think that’s all I have to do even as it’s NOT WORKING.
When I think… if I scratch the surface and things get a little better, that’s all I have to do. Meanwhile the corrosive chemicals still being released by the silent stress response, (the undercurrent of stress below the surface) continues its Life-stealing shenanigans.
Since I’ve been doing this work for 30 years, it’s not hard to see the smoke screens.
So when I’m sitting with a my, or a clients’ resistance, and it’s STRONG (or soft – you know how it is)… and I, or they, keep throwing up excuse after excuse… I get annoyed.
Years ago, I was sitting in a high-level training called ‘Stress Reduction Saves Lives’ watching the trainer take one of the “demo clients” through a similar pattern of resistance.
She kept lobbing out reframes, and they were still in the “waffle” zone.
I raised my hand.
“What if, deep down, your client just doesn’t WANT to change?” My trainer shot back…
“But…” I protested.
“’But’nothing. TheyALWAYSwantthechange.”
It hit me smack between the eyes, because…
As a human being, especially at this point in humanities awakening, we know she’s right, yeah?
People DON’T waffle and waste time on treatments and programs because they “don’t want to change.”
Even the most high-functioning, DECISIVE people wind up on the fence sometimes. Here’s the key:
The biggest obstacle to the change is NOT a lack of Desire.
The biggest obstacle to overcome is your own INERTIA.
In other words, the biggest roadblock to kicking stress to the curb…
Is your NATURAL RESISTANCE to change.
Your human brain, who sees any change or transformation (even seemingly- desired positive transformation) as mortal risk, is MORE dangerous to your health than you might think.
From that perspective…
It’s a MINI-MIRACLE when someone says “yes” to something that delivers real change.
Now, to be clear… this mini-miracle happens EVERY DAY. People are saying “yes” to healthy choices and transformation every day.
People are also spending a lot of time and money on so-called-solutions EVERY DAY. ESPECIALLY when it can help them overcome that inertia.
It can get to be a lonely and frustrating journey.
How do you get past all THAT?
You start with that seed of DESIRE – the part of you that really, truly WANTS to change.
You take that DESIRE seed… apply a few natural, easy to do, game-changing elements…
… and that seed of Desire will naturally grow into a frothy RELIEF from stress and worry.
This is a BIG piece of what our clients do differently.
They include a VITAL missing piece not found in mindfulness and breathing techniques…
TWO of the clients in our latest group have each eliminated pain…one who had low-back pain for years…the other chronic headaches … plus one got a new kitten (just for fun).
Another client in that group no longer has anxiety and sleeps like a baby.
These are just a FEW of the wonderful stories we’ve had over the past few weeks…
And there are more rolling in 🙂
Desire for a new way and a Decision to go for it is very, very powerful against the beast of resistance!
We’re opening the doors to Access the ONLY antidote to Stress, Worry, or Anxiety on the Planet very soon – like, next week.
Then, we’re going to take another 4 weeks to focus SOLELY on how to turn your natural Desire for growth and change into a 50% reduction of stress and worry.
Not just for your stress, but for pain, tension, and anxiety too.
Think you might like to cut in half the stress, worry and pain you have now by summer?
Hit REPLY and we’ll make sure you’re first in line when we open.
In Sacred Love & Wholeness,

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