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Are you aware that you are an extension of Nature? And there are Natural Laws to live by. Are you curious what they are?  Every human being is a built from all of the 5 elements, with one element, more than the other 4, that is a stronger element, a constitutional leaning if you will.

What are these elements you may wonder? I promise we’ll get to that but first I’d like to to say that over my 30 years as a practitioner of Chinese Medicine, I study, practice, and witness this medicine working because it observes the Laws of Nature.

Laws like the Law of Relativity, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Polarity, the Law of Fundamental Forces such as Light, Matter, Gravitation, and Electromagnetism.

We are part of these Laws not separate from them. When we come into harmony with them, we create health.

I AM all about creating health. Not just any kind of health but Sacred Health, because Sacred Health awakens the blueprints in every single cell for healing to wholeness.

Nature and Life Herself are our best teachers.  Nature is defined as the natural, physical, or material world or Universe. It is inside this Universal container if you will (that is actually uncontainable), that we discover ourselves. We discover our True Nature.

Spoiler Alert: it has everything to do with Love because the entire fabric of the Universe is Love. Every particle of the Universe is Love. This isn’t romantic love per se, but rather a consciousness that is measured by frequency.

What is true for every element is that they govern specific organs and functions in the body, usually much broader in scope that what we learn in Western Medicine. Each element has specific attributes or correspondences (such as emotions, seasons, directions, sense organs, tissues, colors, climates etc.) the correspondence is based in part, in frequency and function. 

For example…emotions vibrate at particular frequencies. The Fire Element that governs the heart, pericardium, small intestine, and the only ‘invisible’ organ according to this system is called the Triple Warmer. These organs have similar frequencies, the emotion of joy shares that similar frequency, thus the emotion of joy is most closely related to the Fire Element. Whereas, the emotion of frustration and anger share a frequency with the Wood Element. Fear with the Water Element, and so on.

So let’s talk about the 5 elements, most systems have 4 primary elements. So what’s up with that extra 5th element?!

The 5 elements are: Fire, Earth, Air (sometimes called metal), Water, and Wood. Wood is the element not usually included in other systems, yet it’s a fascinating element (more on Wood soon).

Further, each person has an element that is more constitutionally dominant than the other four. I’ve observed that this constitutional element teaches us how to evolve at our leading edge of soul growth.

Do you know your primary or constitutional element? If not, take the quiz here and find out!

While it’s too much to go in depth with each element here, below is a teeny tiny list to get started…

Fire Elementgoverns the Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Warmer. Usually elements have two organs, one internal yin organ, and one yang organ that is mostly tasked with digestion and elimination and is hollow compared to yin organs. This is the only element that has 4 organs, 2 yin and 2 yang. 

Earth Elementgoverns the Spleen (yin organ) and Stomach (yang organ), this system is responsible for receiving nutrition, breaking down what it receives in order to transport the nourishment via the blood stream to the whole body.

Metal/Air Elementgoverns the Lungs (yin organ) and Large Intestines (yang organ), this system is responsible for our respiratory system including the sinus’ and is in a constant exchange with external Life Force via the breath.

Water Elementgoverns the Kidneys, Adrenals, and Urinary Bladder, this is a big system considered to be the “gas tank” of Life Force or Qi for the body.

Wood Elementgoverns the Liver and Gall Bladder, which is responsible for unimpeded circulation in the entire body. Anywhere there is ‘pain’ (emotional or physical) in the body, it is because there is a stagnation in circulatory flow of Qi/Life Force, Blood, or Nerve conduction.

Why Wood? If you look around, you’ll see wood everywhere, in the form of furniture and the trees outside. There is no fire (real 🙂 fire) without wood, not to mention the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between trees which happens to be a vital exchange for life. Thus, wood is kind of important!

When you understand the elements, you can make decisions to support optimal health and balance. For example, if one has heart problems…high cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, atherosclerosis, and the like…those are intelligent messages from your body attempting to get your attention for healing. Not just to take a medication, that’s a bandaid, and it may be important to do that but NOT at the expense of the deeper message for healing. 

Do you know your primary or constitutional element? If not, take the quiz here and find out!

Remember, all the elements are important to keep balanced and healthy, they each have their own way of speaking up when out of balance. Your constitutional element helps you evolve as a human being, so knowing that is valuable to your growth as a soul.

We learn in our Sacred Health journey, the Fire Element is about Decision. The decision to be an agent of change for your health, to get the support needed in order to do that at the highest level possible. Not to simply slap symptoms down but to heal at deep levels with lasting impact liberating your Sacred Birthright of health and wholeness (however imperfect).

One of the most important decisions each of us need to make, Einstein brought this to our attention, is this: Is the Universe a benevolent force? Do you believe Nature supports you? Not people and their crazy choices, but Nature and Life Herself, do you allow Her support your highest good? I have found that answer to be unerringly yes. When I get out of my own way.

If you and I are extensions of Nature, of Life, then why would Life be against itself?  The shenanigans and out of balance choices people make are not the same thing as the sun coming up every day without fail to support all Life on earth. 

If you happen to be working with a practitioner of Chinese Medicine using acupuncture, herbs, and/or nutrition, you’ll be more empowered to make the best of your treatments.

Curious about Your Primary Element? – Take the Quiz Here

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