This energy center of our body, referred to as the Sacral Center or Dan Tien, is our center of gravity.
It is a storehouse and wellspring of human energy. Our creative energy and expression come from this center, whether to create a new life as with conception and birth, or literally anything else.
This center is a neural network of communication often referred to as the second brain.
There is a host of ways this center can be depleted or shut down from abuse to painful/irregular menses, to trouble conceiving, to menopausal havoc all leading to relating to this part of our body as defying our wishes, or even as an adversary. Tension is held here and is likened to an ‘emotional junk drawer’ for shame, guilt, anger, and trauma.
What if there were a way to soften the tension held here, bring acceptance, release and healing to this center which in turn awakens access to:
- Focus and awareness
- Gratitude
- Creative flow
- Radiance and vitality
- Sacred sensuality/sexuality
- Sacred Love
Many woman who have suffered abuse don’t realize that this part of their body is in need of tending. And women who don’t identify with abuse don’t realize there is a need to tend this center.
I invite you to gently, gracefully explore the healing of this center in this creative process.
- Introduction to the creative healing process
- A video demo
- A short guided imagery audio (like a guided meditation)
- Materials list
- Downloadable graphic to work from
- Creating a simple ritual for the process
- Journal prompts