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stop fear

How does asking a question stop fear? Great question!

Somewhere along the line, I realized that the quality of my life is in direct proportion to the quality of my questions.

If you’ve got a problem, a health concern, or are stuck, you need a solution or an answer. Almost instantly your mind will lock on to something and pass it off as “THEE answer”.

The human mind is designed to quickly pinpoint and secure concrete conclusions. The faster, the better.

There are a couple of problems with that plan:

1) In its haste, the mind misses a lot.

2) Due to its need to ‘pinpoint’ something concrete and feel secure, it’s focus is narrow which leaves out many options. Usually, those options are better solutions to the question or problem.

Enter…questions or inquiries.  I like to keep an ‘inquiry journal’. What’s an inquiry journal?

  • A place to put all your questions about life and receive feedback
  • A means of connecting with wisdom, intelligence, and solutions
  • Something to allow the Universe to bring you answers
  • To hold your entire system open to possibilities
  • Let you expand your awareness
  • A way to strengthen your relationship with your Creative Life Force, Heart, and Soul

Here’s another key to an inquiry….it stops fear in its tracks. It forces fear to back down and soften. 

Fear is a constant expression of our lower mind. Whereas faith is a constant expression of our Divine Mind.

We have both.

Some general characteristics of the mind and fear:

  • The belief that it is always right
  • It is designed to protect you and keep you alive, but not programmed to allow you to thrive (that’s the job of your heart and soul)
  • Until you show it, it is unaware, that a connection to higher wisdom exists
  • Not at all comfortable with open inquiries (in fact, it’s more than uncomfortable, it’s terrified of it)
  • It’s all about being “serious and heavy” whereas the Divine has a “sense of humor and is light” ~ it’s good to know the difference and how it feels inside.
  • It loathes the idea of letting your Divine Intelligence take the pilot seat (which means it is left with the co-pilot seat)
  • With your regular conscious choice to allow Divine Intelligence to guide you, it will eventually yield to the co-pilot seat.
  • When it is scared, which can be a lot, you feel fear, worry, doubt, guilt, shame, depression, and stuck.
  • It’s not that hard to comfort the mind and help it feel safe, but it does take some practice. It’s like building a muscle.

When you notice you have a problem, whether it’s a physical issue, a looping emotion, another person, a lack of something (time, energy, money), confusion, or something you’re trying to understand. Anything and everything is fair game. Follow these simple steps:

  • Notice and become aware of the problem (try not to judge yourself, just notice), you can be sure something is up when you feel serious, tense, or upset
  • Identify what you’d rather have instead (it’s often the opposite of the problem or some variation of it)
  • Write in your journal the problem/concern/issue, and then write what you’d rather have (solution/answer/discovery/more or less of something)
  • Begin using the inquiry prompts to open the energy, connect to wisdom/intelligence, and receive insights to bring about what you want
How long it takes to receive insights is the only unknown. It’s not a matter of “if, it’s a matter of “when”. Things that keep coming back or are chronic will probably take longer than new or acute issues. Your job is to patiently hold the inquiry open until you receive what you need to move through the problem to higher ground.
You may receive insights by way of:
  • a song
  • a line in a movie
  • something someone says
  • something you ‘happen’ to read
  • the still small voice of your inner guidance
  • or any number of ways, it works best when you play with it

Let the Universe surprise and delight you with insights, guidance, and solutions to your problems, and it will.

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