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healing with grace

I’ve learned that true healing, and the ‘transformation journey’ is similar in nature to all human beings.

I’ve broken it down from the 5 Element perspective below:

  • Heart = Inspired about changing and improving, begin with enthusiasm for the result that outweighs or overshadows the pain, divine impulse accompanied by hope
  • Earth = Not there yet, path seems longer than expected, weariness may be setting in, losing enthusiasm, missing the comfort and familiarity of the old, begin to question everything, frustrated to have come this far without reward | path feels barren, resistance is shackling, fear, stalled, discomfort of the unknown, teeters towards turning back constantly and may just do that*
  • Metal = Discovers and cultivates the wherewithal to keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter the discomfort (this is where the transformation happens) | perseverance rises and light begins to illuminate the path again, possibility of hope returns, resilience replaces resistance
  • Water = Noticeable shift and sense of arrival | feet feel stable and planted on the other side of the bridge and there is a sense of one’s stability again, only stronger and expanded (even as the old way still whispers, beckons, and entices and offers lures of return)
  • Wood = The unification and free-flow of knowing, trusting, appreciating, and embodying this expanding field is solid. Can make more evolved life choices from new terrain. Dedicated to maintaining focus here (vs. being lured back) in preparation for next crossing.

* Since the seduction of the known and familiar (even if no longer serving) is so strong, turning back is common, often for a break, or to reorient. The re-entry begins again from the beginning and moves through each stage until fully emerging to the other side.

Divine Qualities:

Heart = divine flame of impulse and evolution

Earth = divine matter and mystery

Metal = cosmic life force

Water = divine vision and will

Wood = divine focus

The Mother/Child Cycle:

Wood is emotionally upset, Fire causes impulse/spark for transformation, Earth nourishes for journey, Metal inspires and activates life force, Water reveals truth, so Wood can relax and soften for transformation, so the Heart can enjoy, Earth can strengthen, Metal can release, and Water can rest.

Things to watch out for:

Wood = controlling, rigid, tense, shackled vs. anchored, stagnant flow

Fire = anxiety, lack of trust, disconnection from creativity extinguishing the flame

Earth = abusing and/or leaving the body, overthinking leading to stalled function, ability, and power

Metal = worry, poor boundaries, and shallow shortness of breath

Water = fear that turns a clear ocean of truth into murky waters of confusion, inability to envision

What to gift yourself at each stage of the journey (to ensure and facilitate forward momentum toward transformation):

  • Heart = creativity, joy, light, connection to the Divine, trust…we go in knowing it may get sticky, and choose the journey anyway in order to evolve (which expands Love)
  • Earth = nourishment of self (nature, creativity, nutrition, sleep/rest, supportive self-talk), ground and center daily, connect with guidance for each step, honor yourself for the willingness to be in the mystery of the journey in order discover the divine love that you are, and are eternally held by
  • Metal = cultivate deep breathing, consciously take in cosmic life force to flow through, and fuel you, creativity
  • Water = inquiry, right use of will, and mental alignment with divine mind so as not to burn yourself out, drain your battery, and ‘do it all’ yourself, creativity
  • Wood = regular movement, creativity, willingness to practice self-compassion and focus in order to choose wisely.

Every element transforms beautifully in a Creative Healing Process. At the risk of sounding dramatic, it’s downright magical.

I invite you to say YES to a 5 Element Creative Healing Process, it’s simple, can take as much or as little time as you have, and it’s fun.

Our Spirit likes to play, energy moves more easily, and transformation is the result. Let’s go, I’ll take you there!

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