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Have you ever thought about the power of your intentions? I mean we all hear about how being intentional is a good thing, but beyond that, it usually ends up in the camp of setting goals.

I went through an “Intentional Creativity” teacher training that was quite rigorous and it woke me up to a whole new level of intention.

Human beings have been setting intentions since the beginning of time, which makes sense if you think about (I just hadn’t thought about that before it was brought to my attention).

Speaking of ‘attention’, setting an ‘intention’ calls our focus to attention. And I don’t know about you, but it hasn’t exactly been easy to focus lately. There are more distractions than stars on a clear night!

I’m guessing, we all could use a little help in the focus department. Enter intention. It gives the mind a job, an inquiry to unpack.

When intention is combined with a creative process, well, that’s the stuff of healing magic at it’s best.

Let’s say you have a problem. Who doesn’t! It could be related to your health, or your self-worth, or an abundance issue, or a relationship situation, and you decide to “take it to the canvas”. Or it could be a journal page, or a meal prep, or the garden…any creative expression will do.

If you set an intention beforehand, as you go through your creative process, there are several things that happen:

  • Your mind, heart, and Soul begin engaging with the intention finding solutions
  • The judgmental, hyper-critical part of your mind can settle back while your Creative Spirit takes the drivers seat
  • Your brain function and immune system improves
  • You entire being has the option of re-writing stories that no longer serve you
  • You’re able to tap into cellular intelligence and patterns of truth
  • You can break addiction cycles, stabilize blood pressure, control pain, and even generate kindness and compassion.

There’s a HUGE return on investment, otherwise known as ROI, when you make the choice to engage in creativity with intention.

Besides, it’s ridiculously fun. I’ve been on the Spiritual and Transformational path for 38 years, which means I’ve tried a LOT of stuff from the healing buffet. This experience of creating with intention is the winner in the fun department by far, but also in it’s healing success with lasting impact.

“This experience of creating with intention is the winner in the fun department by far, but also in it’s healing success with lasting impact.” 

Think you’re not creative? Not true, every human being is an extension of the Creative Life Force, which means you’re creative by default. You’re creative because you’re alive and breathing. You may not be flexing your creative muscles, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pump those bad boys up!  Kickstart those creative muscles starting today (because today is as good a day as any), no more putting it off until tomorrow!

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