Each of your 50 + trillion cells are a powerhouse of activity. That is if they are functioning optimally.
Often when a ‘broken heart’ is mentioned, one tends to think of a romantic heartbreak, but science and medicine now understand that heart break is much broader than that. There is even a diagnosis called “Broken Heart Syndrome”. While this syndrome is considered ‘temporary’ in weakening the heart causing shortness of breath or irregular heart-beat, along with other symptoms, there is a chronic element to this syndrome that can lead to heart disease.
There are so many ways our hearts get broken…
- Loss of Love whether of a pet, romantic partner, friends, family, job, community
- Grief and sadness (especially if prolonged)
- Something in life that didn’t work out, or was not to be
- Betrayal, lies
- Human history that we carry in our DNA of suffering, hunger, pain, inequity
- Country chaos
In this Creative Health Process, we take a moment to identify our heartbreaks, not to throw salt on the wound, but to honor the places where the light can now get in. There is deep healing here.
We borrow from the Japanese philosophy of Kintsugi which loosely means “joining with Gold”, as we seek to find the beauty in the damaged or imperfect, adding value to the broken. Calling forth a new way of being, born from the old.
- Introduction to the creative healing process
- A video demo
- A short guided imagery audio (like a guided meditation)
- Materials list
- Downloadable graphic to work from
- Creating a simple ritual for the process
- Journal prompts