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Principles for Sacred Health

There are 12 principles I’ve been living by for decades, practicing, honing, teaching, and discovering what it really means to activate the level of health and wholeness that is coded in our cells, and the birthright of every human being. In using the word ‘principle’, I mean to use this word by the following definitions…

  • a fundamental truth
  • a natural law forming the basis for the construction or working of a system
  • a fundamental source or basis of something

I’ve learned that making my choices from the foundation of these principles always yields a harmonious and satisfying outcome. When I ignore, forget, or turn away from the foundational principles, it doesn’t go well and after many, many attempts to circumvent and avoid the fundamental truth of Life, I’ve decided to yield instead. It takes MUCH less energy, and it happens to work.

Why does this matter?

Because the world is poised to heal. The only way the world can heal is one heart and soul at a time. The more who do, the quicker we can take the blinders off and see results in the world. Results like cooperation, reverence for Life and Earth, people over profits, and resources for all.

Lest you think me idealistic, I’ll admit that I am, but I also know this is where we’re headed. The New Earth as some refer to it. For those who share a world vision such as this, it’s our job to live in alignment with the energy of the higher vision. Which means the old energy of fear, doubt, lack, limitation, and profit first have got to get repurposed. One heart and soul at a time, with Love at the helm, and Light guiding the way. Principles help tremendously.

We’re on Sacred Healing Principle #2 which you can Watch Here

We’ll be talking about a different principle each week for the Fall season, You’ll be able to Watch Them Here

Watch on You Tube Here

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And let me know what pops for you in the comments!

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