Does stress, worry, tension, and anxiety have you feeling like a vice grip on your chest?
Possible Touchy Reframe, right here…
Over the years, I’ve learned about all the ways to keep ‘bad’ stress and worry to a minimum…
…the supplements, mindfulness techniques, breath exercises, therapy, medications…don’t get me wrong I love all these things and medication has its place…
These things can cut down on stress but can’t eliminate it.
It’s like weed whacking rather than pulling the weeds up by the roots…sure looks and feels good until they come back.
It was about 20yrs ago I was listening to a lecture on stress reduction, and the MD lecturing said, “Either you kill stress, or stress kills you!
Instead of cobbling together a bunch of stuff to hold stress, worry and anxiety at bay…like leaning up against a closet door to keep everything inside from pouring out like hot lava…
…cuz the next challenge threatens to bury you alive by busting through that door…
…the next health problem…the next money concern…the next world event…the next business hurdle…the next relationship strain…the next increase in weight…
…there are SO many “nexts”…right!?
Pulling up the roots of stress, worry, and anxiety eliminates the ‘nexts’ as ‘a final straw’.
Think about it…
Are the ‘nexts’ adding up faster than you can keep up with?
That’s what women keep telling me is happening.
Kelly felt ‘buried alive’ after being fired from her job, getting a stage one breast cancer diagnosis, and gaining 17lbs. Often she felt so much stress running through her, she felt like it was “electrocuting” her system.
It was a current that she couldn’t get to turn off. She did ALL the things she knew to do, but it wasn’t working, which scared her because it was so extreme and she had no answer.
She felt very “off” and worried about how “behind” she was getting in her life. She declined invitations for connections that usually fed her, but she was withdrawn and had no energy for anything ‘extra’.
NEVER before had she felt so out of control, overwhelmed and exhausted. And she knew she couldn’t sustain this without severe damage to her health. Her heart was gripped and squeezed.
She just wanted to feel purposeful in a non-toxic work environment, have a clean bill of health, feel good in her body at the weight she loves, be with people she cares about, and enjoy peace in her heart.
As we worked together and Kelly quickly realized that SO much of her efforts and money were directed toward keeping stress at bay, she was both crushed and thrilled…
…Crushed because she had worked so hard and invested so much in her cobbled together recipe…she did her mindfulness practice most days…ate healthy…used her Calm app. when necessary…got outdoors to ‘walk it off’…set boundaries with toxic people…
…Thrilled because she FINALLY discovered the antidote to getting out from under the “heap” and for letting the closet be for her coats and not her crap…
…Thrilled because she learned the secret…that true clarity, vitality, and productivity comes from a calm center (she always equated calm with boring or lazy)
Which I completely understand because I’ve dug myself out of heavy piles like Kelly’s no less than half a dozen times.
Until I figure out the ONLY antidote to ‘bad’ stress on the planet – good stress helps us grow, it’s the bad that silently kills us while costing us EVERYTHING that matters…
…our health, our ability to receive abundance, loving relationships, and…
…a peaceful, productive, calm center from which to ride the waves of Life…
Kelly now has an even higher paying job working with considerate people who respect her contributions, she’s at her ideal weight and she’s been cancer free for 3yrs., feeling the best she’s ever felt.
Says Kelly…“None of this would be possible if I didn’t make the decision to stop weed whacking and start pulling up the weeds at their roots, and I’m so grateful because now I do this with Every. Single. Thing. In. My. Life! It’s literally like night and day.”
Are you ready to get those roots up too?
Hit Reply and I’ll let me know that you are, and I’ll send over the next steps!
In Sacred Love & Wholeness,
p.s. this is time-sensitive as a small group of spirit-centered women are coming together to Access the ONLY antidote to Stress, Worry, or Anxiety on the planet. To Finally eliminate the stress and tension in your body and life so you can enjoy a clear mind and health in your body within 30 days.
Hit REPLY for the next step!
p.p.s. If you’d like to watch a 15min. video on stress and what to do, you can watch it on Facebook here:

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