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When the extraordinary intelligence of a human body purposefully gets our attention with a symptom or disease, there’s a reason for that. And it’s always a good reason.

The body loves to be healthy and whole, in fact its coded for health in every single cell. We have trillions of cells, upwards of 50 trillion, so that’s a LOT of coding for health.

We come in with this coding and promptly get rewired toward lack of health so that by the time we’re adults the cultural current of stress and disease has taken over and we’re caught in fast moving rapids.

Some have it better than others, but we can all get caught up in the current.

So, let’s rewire ourselves back to the original design shall we? I consider the daily devotion to these truths a journey of creating Sacred Health and anyone can access this health and wholeness in themselves if they’re willing to tip the scales in favor of their real and honest wiring.

The dirty dozen…or what’s got to go for health to flourish….

  1. The belief that excellent health is unattainable
  2. That one is too old, too sick, too wounded, broken, or too genetically vulnerable to have a high level of health
  3. Guilt from any number of poor choices in the past
  4. Shame over your body
  5. That you are undeserving of well being
  6. That you are unworthy of the wholeness (however imperfect) already coded in your cells
  7. Too much sugar
  8. Not enough whole, real foods
  9. Chronic stress
  10. Chronic worry
  11. An unwillingness to extend an invitation to a deep, internal peace to permeate your being
  12. The false believe that you are not good enough just for being you. More than enough actually.

And the clean 15….make these the habit and your sacred wiring comes alive…

  1. A constant conversation in your own mind as to how much is working, and how your body is generating health with your every breath
  2. Every single soul has the inborn capacity to BE healthy regardless of age, past wounds, or genetics.
  3. Awakening and activating the latent blueprint of wholeness is a ‘thing’
  4. Appreciation and gratitude for all the particles of energy that make up your body ensures healthy function
  5. Well-being needs no justification, it just is. Claim it.
  6. Give the reins to your Higher Self and she’ll unleash exquisite wholeness in your mind and body, something your human mind isn’t capable of
  7. Fruit is mana from the realms of Love
  8. Whole food from Mother Earth becomes the matter that is you
  9. The practice of staying present and trusting obliterate stress
  10. Since your mind is a canvas…paint pictures that are wonderful rather than worrisome
  11. Your true nature is deep peace, call it forth from your center no matter the external circumstances
  12. You are enough, have always been enough, and will always be enough. Just by being you.
  13. Give yourself permission to sleep long and well
  14. Tell yourself the kindest, most supportive things all day long
  15. Move in, and bond with Nature and she’ll nourish you.

I find that tipping the scales in favor of the ‘clean 15’ which leaves little oxygen for the ‘dirty dozen’, yields me so much good. A strong, healthy, flexible mind and body, a sacred connection to Life, plenty of time and energy, an abundance of everything I require and desire, and lots of love.

Any aha’s for you in these lists, I’d love to hear!

*** The dirty dozen and clean 15 is a list of fruits and veggies best purchased organic or not, as recommended by the Environmental Working Group.  This blog article is a take off on that idea.

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