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“The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of your questions”

 ~ Laurie Morse

I am obsessed with “asking”.  I ask my heart questions. I ask the Universe questions. And what I’ve learned as that asking opens the door to solutions.

The human mind is designed to quickly pinpoint and secure concrete conclusions. The faster, the better.

There are a couple of problems with that plan:

1) In its haste, the mind can miss a lot.

2) Due to its need to ‘pinpoint’ something concrete and feel secure, the mind’s focus is narrow which leaves out many options. Usually those options are better solutions to the question or problem.

The human mind is designed to find solutions in partnership with Infinite Intelligence. The only thing standing in the way of finding solutions is the belief that you can’t. Release that from your thoughts, and you will have access to solutions and answers to anything.

Questions not conclusions is my mantra. I have stacks of “Inquiry Journals” where I’ve bared my heart and soul to the page (the page being a sacred portal to Higher Divine Intelligence) asking for help, guidance, and solutions.

How long it takes to receive insights is the only unknown. It’s not a matter of “if, it’s a matter of “when”. Things that keep coming back or are chronic will probably take longer than new or acute issues. Your job is to patiently hold the inquiry open until you receive what you need to move through the problem to higher ground.

You may receive insights by way of:

  • a song
  • a line in a movie
  • something someone says
  • something you ‘happen’ to read
  • the still small voice of your inner guidance
  • or any number of ways, it works best when you play with it

You can pose inquiries any time. You can record ideas/solutions/thoughts right away or later.  Some inquiries need to be open longer than others. I learned that my job was to keep soothing myself when I became impatient and wanted to jump on a concrete conclusion, rather than waiting for greater guidance.

What has been magical for me in keeping an inquiry journal over the years, is how all my questions get answered or resolved in incredible ways. Crazy amazing ways. Ways I could have NEVER thought up in my own mind.

The Universe is wildly smart, and fun, and delightful. Let the Universe surprise and delight you and it will.

Stay tuned for Part Two, coming soon!

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