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We’re talking about how powerful “inquiry” is. If you missed part one, you can read it here:

A question is WAY more powerful than a conclusion because a question engages the field of infinite intelligence (where all the answers and solutions live). Whereas, a conclusion is all about the human mind not necessarily connected with the Source of all Life.

Some general characteristics about the mind:

  • It honestly believes it is always right
  • It is designed to protect you and keep you alive and safe, but not programmed to allow you to thrive (that’s the job of your heart and soul)
  • It is unaware (until you show it) that a connection to higher intelligence exists
  • It is not at all comfortable with open inquiries (in fact, it’s more than uncomfortable, it’s terrified of it)
  • It is all about being “serious and heavy” whereas the Divine has a “sense of humor and is light” ~ it’s good to know the difference and how it feels inside.
  • It loathes the idea of letting your Divine Intelligence take the pilot seat (which means it is left with the co-pilot seat)
  • With your regular conscious choice to allow Divine Intelligence to guide you, it will eventually yield to the co-pilot seat.
  • When the mind is scared, which can be a lot, you feel fear, worry, doubt, guilt, shame, depressed, and stuck.
  • It’s not that hard to comfort the mind and help it feel safe, but it does take some practice. It’s like building a muscle.

When you notice you have a problem, whether it’s a physical issue, a looping emotion, another person, a lack of something, confusion, or something you’re trying to understand. Anything and everything is fair game. Follow these simple steps:

  • Notice and become aware of the problem (try not to judge yourself, just notice), you can be sure something is up when you feel serious, tense, or upset
  • Identify what you’d rather have instead (it’s often the opposite of the problem or some variation of it)
  • Write in your journal the problem/concern/issue, and then write what you’d rather have (outcome/solution/answer/discovery/more or less of something)
  • Begin using the inquiry prompts to open the energy, connect to wisdom/intelligence, and receive insights to bring about what you want
  • You can’t do this wrong, in playing with it, you’ll discover the power of it

How to begin your inquiry/questions…

What if…

How can I…

What else…

Who do I need to be to allow the best possible outcome…

What can I do, be, and generate to being creating ________________today

What is important about…

What do I need to know to move past…

What is it _(this situation)_____would have me know…

For more prompts and guidance, here’s a complimentary “Inquiry Journal”:


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