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truth about creativity

Women tell me all the time that they aren’t creative. Or they don’t know where to start, and it feels intimidating. They’d like to get past the fear and begin to trust there is something inside of them, but they don’t even know how to begin.

Which brings her to all kinds of questions like…should I try it on my own, or take a class, what is my version of being creative (since I don’t paint, sculpt, woodwork, flower arrange etc.), is there something hidden inside of me. And if so, how do I tap into it, get it out, and set it free?

She wants something personal for herself, and is willing to develop it, as long as it’s inspiring, stimulates her to produce something, and she can start small to build her trust.

Wow. That’s exactly the kinds of questions to ask. Like all honest inquiries, it’s valuable, to begin with, the Truth. The Truth about Creativity is good news.

The thing is you are ‘creating’ ALL the time! Here is the definition of create:

to cause (something) to happen as a result of one’s actions

Are you not ‘creating’ all the time? But when we hear the word ‘creativity’ we get our underwear up in a bunch because we automatically think we aren’t ‘creative’. Not true.

~ Since every human begin is an extension of the Creative Life Force, every human being is an individual aspect OF Creative Life Force.

~ Creative Life Force is the seat of creativity. It’s also the same Life Force that HEALS.

~ You can’t NOT be a creative human being. Everyone is a creative person.

~ Creativity is about finding solutions.

~ Creativity is an aspect of the Soul and feelings landscape (which everyone has)

~ The mind has a very limited perception of creativity, of your creativity, and what’s possible.

~ To awaken your creativity, you must ignore that critical part of your mind.

~ The mind will have you believe it’s scary to go inside and connect with your Creative Spirit. The mind could not be more wrong. Not only is it not scary, it’s liberating.

~ Giving your creative life force an outlet in the physical realm is like building a muscle. Practice opens doors, paves pathways, and connects ideas to outlets in YOUR life. Not the artist down the streets life, but your life.

~ Creativity moves from the inside out.

~ The Creative Force and Fabric of the Universe is Love. Love is who you are.

~ Everyone I connect with craves more creative outlets in her life.

~Creative outlets are everywhere. Part of the fun is the finding them.

We ‘demonstrate’ our creativity by engaging with the Creative Principle inside.

Start by noticing that you are a creative being and that all day long you are creating outcomes and results.

Practice engaging with the creative part of yourself with acceptance and curiosity. How else might I approach this? What if we did it this way? Is there another way to see this?

Each soul who taps into her creativity not only heals herself but also heals the world.

Enjoy a complimentary list of 56 Ways Your Creativity Heals

“The best way to guarantee the future is to create it” ~ Abraham Lincoln

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