Was blessed to have a session with one of our Sacred Health Academy members…
And she said something that just made me CHEER, inside and out.
She’s BRILLIANTLY modeling something that is non-negotiable if you want to break OUT of “stress is terrorizing my life” mode and allow in the calm, confidence, abundant in time, energy, wisdom, and goodness you know you’re meant for.
Keeping specifics vague for confidentiality reasons…
This client is a spirit-centered woman of the light, mom/grandmother, and business extraordinaire of high caliber. One of the “good hearted” ones on the planet.
She came to Sacred Health Academy after deciding that it was time to apply some discipline to her health, and bring all of herself into alignment with her Spirit. And do it while creating spaciousness for ALL the goodness she’s learning is her birthright…
…clear thinking, honest emotions, an energetic and healthy body, loving relationships…
Recently she has been keeping all the balls in the air with a lot of ‘effort’ and she realized she’s always bracing for a ball to drop…
…because there’s a constant undercurrent of stress and worry and she wanted to shift that in her life BIG time…
Of course, it took a little time to fully connect with the one thing that pulls up the roots of stress and worry (the missing piece in mindfulness practice, meditation, and most stress/anxiety reduction methods)…
…everything hinges on this antidote, and all she has to do is pay attention to it and everything else lines up….
Now, she is much more conscious of connecting with her Sacred Self, and releasing the tension that imprisons her from feeling good in her body and life on all fronts.
…she thought she was already doing this, but she was only scratching the surface.
Now she’s going for it, in ways that are normal, natural, and true. Pulling no punches.
She’s getting some pushback from her mind and the habits that she always thought was “just the way it is”.
Some of her old “ways of being” are NOT happy with this new energy of clarity she’s showing up with. (Which is really just an unveiling and dialing up of the Truth that has been there the whole time.)
So WHAT, pray tell, is her response to the nattering?
She shrugged, looked at me, and said…
“Laurie, honestly? I just don’t care. I’ve been telling myself lies for years and I was NOT put here to be held hostage by beliefs that aren’t true!” Damn STRAIGHT she wasn’t put here to be held hostage.
And neither are YOU.
Breaking away from “your old patterns that cause stress” can be hard.
Changing old ways is one of THE biggest primal fears we have. A core fear.
EVERYTHING in you is wired to keep you going along just as things are. Then there’s all the ways that “cultural programming” wants to keep us back.
So yes. Your core primal fear is there. It’s no joke.
But you know what?
ALSO is no joke… what’s at stake.
Years ago, a spiritual teacher in her 80’s and very wise woman said THIS to me when I was laying out all of my fears in great detail.
“You’re right, Laurie…. all that stuff COULD happen. “This is not a game. It’s very real.”
“But what’s the alternative? Staying stuck?”
“NOT being your healthy, whole Sacred Self in the way you’re called to do in this life?”
“Really, Laurie? You’re telling me that THAT’s actually preferable???”
Hang on… lemme think about that…
Because that’s even MORE painful than taking the risk.
Ask me how I know 🙂
Not to mention stress is deadly even when it’s a silent undercurrent. Full stop.
When we’re tense, worried, and anxious, it’s just no longer silent.
So here’s what I want YOU to know about the “core fear” in this moment…
You’re NOT alone. We ALL have it.
The women. Mothers. Grandmothers. Good-hearted people. We all have it. For ALL the reasons.
You’re not alone.
Which means…. you have POWER at your back, when you finally decide, as our client did, that you’re NOT here to be a hostage to fear and stress, and you’re NO LONGER going to ALLOW it to run the show.
Period. There has to be a pattern interrupt.
The question that the spiritual teacher asked me is the same one I’ll ask you. What’s the alternative?
I’ll finish up with a little cheeky advice….
When you have two SCARY choices, do the one with the payoff of “MORE LIFE.”
On that note…
I said that this client brilliantly models this principle in action.
Well, “More Life” for her was…increasing her energy (because her body was finally functioning well), increasing what she calls “spaciousness” in her mind and days (aka…no more worry), increasing her income, and increasing love in her life…
…a la…her inborn, always there, Sacred Self who carries every answer a human being requires and desires.
She said this to me last week, “I have my own energy coming from inside of myself now and it’s like a rebirth or reboot!”
Taking the risk of BE-ing your Sacred Self pays off big time, especially when you have the how-to pieces dialed in, as well.
At the risk of being a tad “Braggy”… I will offer up that I hold a pretty STRONG container for this kind of thing and an easy path to travel.
Our clients use our Sacred Health Success Path model and tools, to bust through stress and worry, claim excellent health, release old stubborn pain that no longer serves…consistently.
Being UNAPOLOGETIC about your craving for more of your Sacred Self is where it starts. (for the record, every craving is a craving for this).
Our client thought she was already doing this until stress made her realize she wasn’t.
We have just a few spaces left in Access the ONLY antidote to Stress, Worry, or Anxiety on the Planet for this round.
You’ll be held powerfully as the Divine BEING you are, as you kick the core fear to the curb, in a small group of spirit-centered who are all up-leveling their emotional health to the point where they don’t even really need all the supplements, therapy, or cobbled together techniques.
(Another one of our clients just got word her heart is in excellent health – she almost died of a heart attack 2 years ago – from stress)
Ya gotta be ready.
Are you?
Hit REPLY if you’re ready and I’ll send over the next steps.
In Sacred Love and Wholeness,
p.s. I just recorded a 15min. ‘short course’ on the nervous system if you have the extra time, you can watch it on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/creatingsacredhealth/videos/134894155314339

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