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“I’m practically in tears because it’s been months since I’ve felt choked by anxiety and my body is actually relaxed most of the time now. I can’t believe I put up with that stress and worry for so ong. I just though it would go away. I thought I was supposed to figure out how to live with it. Now I know that’s why it took so long, because I kept chasing after all the wrong stuff to get rid of it. Every part of my life is better now and when I think about then and now, I cry happy tears. Thank you SO much, couldn’t have done this with you Laurie!”

***** Getting Off The “Anxiety & Worry” Train (Case Study) *****
I’m sooooo proud of this Sacred Health Academy client for sooooo many reasons.
She’s already a healthy business woman with a full plate who takes good care of herself.
She has good nutrition, and a consistent exercise practice, already in place – the foundation.
For YEARS, she’s been humming along with pretty good stability in her family, friendships, and finances the “the old fashioned way”…
I say “old fashioned”…with love, and here’s why…
She cobbled together her recipe to keep anxiety at bay like most of us. Breathing, massage, acupuncture, mindfulness meditation, supplements, and even medication.
I know because I did it too!
I remember thinking… holy moly… if I want to be anxiety-free… I HAVE to do all these things.
Everyone is telling me so.
It worked mostly, but if anything changed, I lost my grip.
Changes like…a pandemic, world events, a change in health/finance/relationship/work status. With me or a close family member.
Worry sprang up like an old friend. Anxiety began tightening the screws in my mind, body and emotions.
I kept my recipe going to no avail. did one live event. I was so tense in my body, couldn’t sleep, fear the worst would come to pass, cried a lot, couldn’t help but be snippy with those around me, frustrated with myself, out of sort, couldn’t think straight…
How could it be this way when I was doing all the ‘right’ things. Are you kidding me??
It took a LOT of my time, attention and money to keep up with treatments, supplements, meditation…all the things to not lose my shit!
I love all this stuff BTW, I’m kinda a nerd for such things.
I was just feeling at the end of my rope for doing ALL the things to keep my head above the waters of anxiety.
I told myself because I’m an introvert and highly sensitive that I just had to do those things.
But for all my efforts, I wanted a better return. I didn’t want to feel like any moment or one wrong move would drown me.
But I kept doing it anyway. Just like our client rolled up her sleeves, spent a lot of money, and organized her days to accommodate her recipe. So she could keep her head above water.
Now… have you noticed that when you spend a TON of time (an money) on something… you kinda get invested IN it?
With our more experienced clients who are already doing all the rights things to be emotionally stable and healthy… I’ve noticed that there’s some resistance to change, even when it means a LOT less work in the long run.
And I get it.
After all, you’re already feeling burned out, right? And invested.
This was the place that our client was in.
The recipe mostly worked. Except for that pesky little problem of… Life happens.
There’s COVID, sure… but mostly, our client want both a simpler way, and a long-lasting solution.
She just wanted to wake up and feel calm, peaceful, clear as she did her days.
So she chose again.
And it’s working.
Since this little report a short time ago, she has gotten a thumbs up on her blood work, her heart function (which wasn’t good) has improved, she sleeps, her business has made more money than ever before, the strained relationship with her daughter is mended.
She’s well on her way to being completely anxiety-free without medications, supplements, or the world happenings taking her out.
The second half of life is going to be very different from now on, that much I know!
Sooo… I’m curious…
Are YOU wanting to go from anxiety having taken over your life to the sweet freedom of peace, calm, and clarity?
If you’re open to changing your recipe up in order to pull anxiety up by the root rather than chasing after all the weeds of anxiety, aka…weed whacking, we may be able to help.
We work exclusively on the three biggest needle movers that allow you to allow you to stop anxiety in its tracks, pave over those roads in the brain and set forth new pathways in your mind, brain, chemistry and cells.
They’re aren’t even “new” these pathways, they are already in your wiring, but they have to be turned on.
Your NEURAL PATHWAYS, your INBORN WIRING, your SACRED SELF – aka 96% of who you are.
That’s pretty much it.
I mean, we do also talk about nutrition and hormones and stuff.
Especially once you’ve reduced anxiety by at least half.
(Because you can reduce anxiety and worry by 50%, in the way that we teach it – WITHOUT having to manage an unwieldy recipe.)
Mostly, we’re fine tuning things so you have the ability to be anxiety-free for life.
The immersion From Anxiety to Calm is open now.
This is where we get to work side by side with you, to get your anxiety, worry, and tension under control, – WITHOUT a bunch of supplements, techniques, or time and money wasters.
If you’re open to keeping things SUPER-simple while you get rid of anxiety, so you can wake up feeling calm, clear, and confident and save time and money…
….Hit REPLY and we’ll send you the next steps….

To YOUR Calm Center,

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