Women have been fed messages about their body for eons. It should look this way, or that way, and if it falls short of an impossible (and imaginary) bar, then a woman is rendered not good enough, underserving, unworthy, and unfit for the goodness of life.
We take these messages in consciously from our culture and families, but mostly the messages are unconscious. They are practically programmed into our DNA in ways that run and even ruin our health, relationships, and life.
What if you could unhook from that programming and proffer your body to the realm of the Sacred. Whoa! I can tell you that the very act of consciously doing that is a game changer.
Not only is it liberating but what follows is a self-acceptance, a sense of worth, value, and confidence that builds in momentum into a crescendo of Self Love. The kind of Self Love that is cultivated from the depth of your heart and soul rather than from mani-pedi’s, no offense to mani-pedi’s but we can’t mark that off a ‘to-do’ list and think self-love has now been ‘handled’.
Self-acceptance/worth/confidence/love is an inside job. Period. No way around it.
Claim your body as the Sacred instrument that she is. She is an instrument of Light. She is a vehicle for Love on Earth. The Source of Life needs a body and you’re it.
Start here without delay, I promise it’s gentle!
- Introduction to the creative healing process
- A video demo
- A short guided imagery audio (like a guided meditation)
- Materials list
- Downloadable graphic to work from
- Creating a simple ritual for the process
- Journal prompts