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Healing Your Heart with a Creative Life Force

I recall seeing Dr. Christiane Northrup speak and she said (loose quote from my notes), “Heart Health is inextricably linked to the regular expression of creativity.”

I love a good quote, but I don’t think I’ve ever had such a full-body response to a quote as I did with this. Let’s call it a quotgasm!

This is definitely one of the ingredients in my recipe for heart health and wholeness.

Creativity is a way of being in a relationship, like how connective tissue holds the body together. It’s a way of being in communication with the deep wisdom in our heart. Our beautiful heart aching to get our attention. At least as much attention as we give our head.

What if the hardening of our arteries, the weakening of our heart muscles, the tension and pressure in our vessels are intelligent messages from the wisdom of our hearts?

What if creativity is a way of accessing that wisdom?

For the record, I’m not talking about being an artist or even about talent. Not at all, I’m simply talking about accessing the inborn creative expression in every human being.

It is creative energy that made and keeps the natural world awake. It is creative life force that is beating your heart, pumping your blood, and digesting your food right now. It is your creative life force that is awakening and asking you for attention.

The heart holds our stories, emotions, and truth.  Some stories are ready to be laid to rest, other stories are asking to be brought to the light of truth, and new stories are aching to be given space on the stage of your life.

Did you know that the heart has its own brain? There are approx.. 40,000 heart-brain cells called sensory neurites in the heart. These heart-brain cells think, learn, and remember independently of the brain.

Every single human being as creative divine spark that resides in the heart. Maybe these 40,000 heart-brain cells are part of our divine spark?  While very human being has these cells and spark, some human beings have fanned the flame of their divine spark more than others. 

A sure-fire way to fan that flame is by way of creating with intention, by creating to heal, by creating new stories that serve, by creating to uncover wisdom and truths.

Why would you or I want to fan that flame?

Great question 🙂

Thus far in my 40 year spiritual journey, all my needs and desires have been met from that heart flame. Not from my head. Not from anything external to me, but from that divine zero point residing in my heart. Same for you.

When we get stuck in our head, we spin, we stay stuck, we become ill, we feel disconnected and unhappy.

The heart is the new black. Seriously.  Give her some creative space. Be in inquiry with her. Ask her to guide you, don’t leave her out of anything.

If she’s become hardened, tense with pressure, or overly inflamed, stop everything and get help. Not band-aid help, but deep healing help.

If this is you or someone you care about, I invite you to:

  1. take a quick look at this case study here:
  2. Read my book for free (when it’s available 12/12 and beyond)
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