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I’m a full-on nerd when it comes to being healthy. Not just for myself, but for others too, because I know in every cell of my being that healthy people make for a healthy planet.

We are not healthy as a people. Which directly affects our planet.

I talk with people all day long in a healing setting, and I’ve noticed a few things growing in momentum over the past few decades:

  • People don’t really trust they can heal, they want to trust, they want to believe it’s possible, but deep down they’re more afraid it won’t happen than certain it will. Key word here: certainty. It’s getting harder to get past the gates of doubt to certainty because of what we’re surrounded by…a raging river of disease, pain, medication, poor sleep, extra weight, and a sinking feeling that it may not improve.
  • Most people have been taught that the right medication, diet, exercise routine, sleep hygiene, and support system will do the trick. While those things are important ingredients in a good recipe for healthy living, it’s not the whole recipe. What we haven’t been taught is the missing ingredients. Like the eggs in a quiche, without the eggs, it’s not really quiche. This is my forte…finding the energy in the system that’s tangled, heavy, and stuck and alchemizing it for deep healing with lasting impact.
  • And the worst one is how adapted, accustomed, and tolerant we’ve become of imbalance, stress, and disharmony. We’ve put dis-ease in the category of “normal”. Not because it is normal, but because it’s so common that we’ve grown conditioned to it. That makes me sad.

There is nothing “normal” about dis-ease. We were designed to enjoy health and wholeness, it’s coded into every single cell. All 70 trillion of them. That’s a lot of wholeness.

What do we do when we get off track en route to somewhere in our car? Our GPS tells us to make a U-turn and redirects us to our destination.

It’s the same thing for our mind, body, and spirit (which I refer to as our ‘system’), if something is off, we get a signal or symptom which is a message of intelligence that somethings needs redirected.

How do we do that?

I mentioned “alchemy” above. It’s a real thing in healing.

Lowering or eliminating symptoms is a bandaid, alchemizing the root of the problem is healing.

In every alchemical change, healing or transformation, it begins with the “lead”…the seemingly unalterable, immovable, dense, dark, painful, impasse, or chaos. Without this lead there is no potential for anything new to come to life. For new and improved conditions to replace the old. For the Gold to emerge.

I call this alchemical process liberation.

We gently lean into the pain/problem, tap the root, and bring balance and wholeness back. Problem is…most people are afraid to do this.

What if I told you there’s nothing to be afraid of, that the fear our mind generates about ‘leaning in’ is no different than the wizard in Oz. It’s not as powerful as it makes itself out to be and when we look behind the curtain, we see a gentle truth.

I’ve learned that this is sacred work. It’s a tending at a completely different level that bandaids, medications, and quick fixes (that don’t really exist). I’ve learn that our health is sacred. That healing is sacred. And that my heart, your heart, everyone’s heart aches for this level of release.

THIS is a different river. Not raging, but genuine as it flows to an ocean of wholeness.

Nothing less will work. Attempts at less are failing and we’re starting to notice.

The first place to start is with our own energy or Life Force, which turns out to be your life boat out of the raging river of dis-ease. By the way, this Life Force/Life Boat is fully equipped with a GPS that knows the way to the real river that takes you to the health coded in your cells. Really.

If you know in your heart it’s time to get on this Life Boat/Force, please accept my free offering of a 5 Day Energy Kickstart, get the scoop here:

Do it! You’ll be grateful you did. I promise.

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