One of my favorite things is helping women ‘kickstart’ her innate creative self. Check out my blog articles to learn more about how you can awaken the Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. Grab some tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy reading about our amazing bodies with the Create to Heal blog.
The Inspiration in Intention
Have you ever thought about the power of your intentions? I mean we all hear about how being intentional is a good thing, but beyond that, it usually ends up in the camp of setting goals.
Bliss. Beauty. Bounty.
I used to think 'bliss' was unattainable beyond fleeting moments that usually involved chocolate. But as I've cultivated my relationship with the Creative Life Force (which is the same thing as Spirit, Source, Qi, Universe etc.) and literally feel her move through me during creative healing processes, I've come to know bliss beyond chocolate.
The Tree of Life & the 5 Elements
The Tree of Life is a symbol of life in many cultures and traditions. I'd like to talk about it with you in a mystical or spiritual, yet non-religious, context so we can observe how magical and remarkable The Tree of Life is.
The Journey of Life in Segments
If you are tuned to the notion that the purpose of your life is to expand your Heart and Soul, and your capacity to be so aligned with Love that the dreary list of fear-based 'stuff' falls away. That dreary list is all the worry, doubt, anxieties, lack, limitations, not enough time/money/vitality/connection, and so on. Then you are on your Journey of Life.
A Divine Dialogue
Knock, Knock… (Playful, but not a joke) Who’s there? The Divine. Oh, wow, hello. I’ve been knocking for a while now, hoping we can have a Divine Dialogue. Did you not hear me?
The Art of Returning to Love
The prime directive of the Universe is a Return to Love. Each of us will return from whence we came, and I've become a huge fan of 'sooner rather than later'. Human beings like to press the 'snooze button' when they get a nudge to move toward love more fully.
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