One of my favorite things is helping women ‘kickstart’ her innate creative self. Check out my blog articles to learn more about how you can awaken the Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. Grab some tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy reading about our amazing bodies with the Create to Heal blog.
Are you Creative or Productive?
Are you creative or productive? Or both? I'm an 'all of the above' girl. I notice in myself and others, we are both creative and productive. As a human being, it's built into our operating system. The better question might be, "which is more developed?" Or, "which do we default to habitually?"
The Truth About Creativity
Women tell me all the time that they aren’t creative. Or they don’t know where to start, and it feels intimidating. They’d like to get past the fear and begin to trust there is something inside of them, but they don’t even know how to begin.
Your Creativity is Calling!
Your creativity is calling! AND...she'll show you how to heal. Sounds like a call worth taking, don't let this one go to voicemail! If you're not answering because you think you're not creative, I'm going to encourage you to PICK UP THE PHONE!
Does Fear Live Rent Free in Your Head?
I have to ask myself this question regularly! Just to make sure. After all, the landscape of my mind IS prime real estate! The game of life is played, won, and lost in the mind. There doesn't seem to be tie games.
Where Do I Begin?
Where to start? There's SO much to heal. There's a pile of failures and guilt and pain and health problems and wrong choices and it feels like a pile so big, I can't breathe. Let alone figure out where to start. And I'm scared. If I pull one string out of this ball of twisted, knotted, wound up crap, it'll suffocate me and I'll die.
May the Empowered Rise
May the Empowered Rise. Which is not the same as pushing with a false sense of power is it? I get it, many are still processing rage, anxiety and uncertainty over the future, and dancing with the real enemy...fear.
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