One of my favorite things is helping women ‘kickstart’ her innate creative self. Check out my blog articles to learn more about how you can awaken the Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. Grab some tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy reading about our amazing bodies with the Create to Heal blog.
How Asking a Question Stops Fear
How does asking a question stop fear? Great question! Somewhere along the line, I realized that the quality of my life is in direct proportion to the quality of my questions. If you've got a problem, a health concern, or are stuck, you need a solution or an answer. Almost instantly your mind will lock on to something and pass it off as "THEE answer".
How Creativity Moves Your Qi
Just for the record Qi is your Life Force. It's what beats your heart, pumps your blood, digests your food, and heals your body. Sometimes Qi gets stuck. Some people don't have enough Qi. While others have Qi in the wrong places.
How to Navigate Transformation & Healing with Grace
I've learned that true healing, and the 'transformation journey' is similar in nature to all human beings. I've broken it down from the 5 Element perspective below: Heart = Inspired about changing and improving, begin with enthusiasm for the result that outweighs or overshadows the pain, divine impulse accompanied by hope
How to Convert Your Tension into Treasure
All of life on this planet is based on Polarity. Sun and moon. Up and down. In and out. Yin and Yang. In general, Western thought considers opposite poles to be one, or the other. Generally opposed, at times of conflict, and incompatible.
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