One of my favorite things is helping women ‘kickstart’ her innate creative self. Check out my blog articles to learn more about how you can awaken the Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. Grab some tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy reading about our amazing bodies with the Create to Heal blog.
Buddha Bowl Bird
Did you know that a bowl is a ‘thing’? So are birds for that matter! A bowl represents generosity, ritual, and promise. Who knew? An empty bowl represents a clear mind. A full bowl represents nourishment.
Budding Mandala
I spent years limping along with all my attention on my humanity to the exclusion of my Divinity until I finally got that it’s both/and, not either/or.I often hear people say, something along the lines of, “Well, I’m only human.” But the thing is, we’re not only human. We’re both human and Sacred. There would be no human without the Source (or Force if you’re a Trekkie) of LIfe.
Heart Womb Power
It's no secret that the Heart is Sacred. A portal for connection to Higher Wisdom and Love. It's much more than a muscular organ that pumps, although this organ is vital.
Abundance Abounds
There is no shortage of nature. No shortage of air, ocean, or flowers blooming. One could argue there's a shortage of water, healthy soil, or food. Yet, I see that as a distribution issue, rather than a shortage issue.
Honoring Life
Did you know that every part of Life is Sacred? All of nature, you and I being an extension of nature, included. Choices that humans make don't always represent the Sacred, we can probably all agree. Yet, the Life Force being used destructively, or constructively is nonetheless Sacred.
Heart Womb Power
It's no secret that the Heart is Sacred. A portal for connection to Higher Wisdom and Love. It's much more than a muscular organ that pumps, although this organ is vital.
Abundance Abounds
There is no shortage of nature. No shortage of air, ocean, or flowers blooming. One could argue there's a shortage of water, healthy soil, or food. Yet, I see that as a distribution issue, rather than a shortage issue.
Honoring Life
Did you know that every part of Life is Sacred? All of nature, you and I being an extension of nature, included. Choices that humans make don't always represent the Sacred, we can probably all agree. Yet, the Life Force being used destructively, or constructively is nonetheless Sacred.
Cultivating Peace Matters
The definition of 'peace' is: 1. freedom from disturbance; tranquility; mental calm; serenity; peace of mind; 2. a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended The thing we all want.
What is Natural Law?
What are the 4 types of natural law? As it goes.... Eternal Law, Natural Law, Human Law and Divine Law. Next are examples to get a sense, just one or two, certainly not the whole of each law.
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