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Welcome to Create to HEAL.

On this page you’ll find a variety of Creative Health Processes (i.e. mini creative programs) designed to give you access to deep healing with lasting impact.

This occurs when we connect with our Creative Life Force (i.e. Higher Self) and play with intention. Scroll down to learn more…..

Anatomy of Your Higher Self

Creative Health Process

Claiming My Body as Sacred

Creative Health Process

5 Elements & Microcosmic Orbit

Creative Health Process

Activating Your Cells and 12 DNA Strands

Creative Health Process

Mending Your Broken Heart

Creative Health Process

Keeping Your Cup Full

Creative Health Process

Healing Your Womb

Creative Health Process

Heal Your Digestive Center

Creative Health Process

Body Parts CHP

Creative Health Process

Forgiveness of Self & Others

Creative Health Process

Your Personal Medicine Basket

Creative Health Process

Creating Embodied Abundance

Creative Health Process

Bridging Wounds to Wholeness

Creative Health Process

Why Creativity?

The research is solid. Creativity does a body good…

Benefits of Creativity according to NIH study published in Am. Journal of Public Health 2/2010:

  • Reduces stress, anxiety, pain, negative emotions, and depression
  • Fills voids and distracted thoughts of illness
  • Benefits Immune function
  • Improved medical outcomes
  • Improves brain function
  • Improves flow, function, expression of emotions, positive identity, and social networks. 

“Through creativity and imagination, we find our identity and our reservoir of healing.” ~NIH study

  • Creating significantly lowers cortisol/stress levels in less than an hour.
  • Mood Regulation and Repair using simple creative techniques.
  • Creativity has the same benefits as meditation 

“Creativity embeds knowledge so that it can become practice. We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands. Creativity is the ultimate act of integration.”  ~Brene Brown (Author, Speaker, Researcher)

Creativity is not a “luxury”, nor is it the sole territory of the “talented”. Rather, it is the only way we can transform energy and move forward from where we are.

Why Creativity for Health? 

Creativity is not just a “nice to have”. It is an essential component in shaping health, a better life and world.

There have been things I could only heal through creativity after trying everything!

Because you and I are an extension of the Source of Life (who’s primary impulse is to create), it begins to make sense that those same urges reside in each of us. It’s NOT about producing a critically acclaimed work of art at all. It’s about moving, releasing, and healing energy (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) while engaging in a creative process.

And it works.

Each creative process has a “theme”. Do each theme as many times as you’re inspired to, do many/all the themes, and let these experiences serve as jumping off points to discover more of your Creative Life Force.

Like fingerprints, there are no two Creative Health Processes (CHP’s) that are the same. Even if you were to do the same one over and over, each would be unique and yield fresh insights to you.

What you receive with every Creative Health Process “bundle”:

  • Introduction to CHP Experience
  • Materials video and list
  • How to create a “ritual” before creating
  • Complimentary Inquiry Journal prompts (general)
  • Inquiry journal prompts (specific to each theme)
  • A list of “Colors and Divine Qualities”
  • Gathering Symbols worksheet
  • Video presentation and demo
  • Guided Audio
  • A downloadable graphic line drawing as your place to begin

This process can be as simple or elaborate as you choose. It works either way as long as you’re intentional and present during the process.

To learn more about Sketchbook Studio click here.

Sacred Health Academy



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