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Happiness is an experience many of us would like to have on the regular. Plenty of books have been written about the how’s and why’s.

I have found personally, that unless I’m connected to the source or force of Life (aka Life Force), happiness is elusive. 


Here are two quotes from James Clear….


“Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time.”


“Make your habits fun. Find the most enjoyable version of each habit you do.”


I’m going to riff off these two brilliant nuggets…


Regular, consistent, even average effort for longer than the average person tends to stick with it, yields exceptional results, and even happiness. Good to know, this has certainly been my experience. 

There seems to be a tipping point. As Shakespeare said, “Nothing happens. Nothing happens. Nothing happens. Then, everything happens.”

Most people give up between the second and third ‘nothing happens’. Probably because it seems like nothing is happening, but like the seed in the earth, plenty is happening before we see it above the surface. 

I learned back in my twenties that there’s a lot to tend to emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually and if I didn’t find ways to make the ‘tending’ fun, I’d lose my mind. Keep doing the thing and being in the inquiry of “how can I make this more fun and/or enjoyable?” Your heart will find the way for you.


You’ll read in the article (link below) 10 reasonable things that can make a human being happier, I’m inviting you to do two things:

  1. Keep at it until something happens and you feel happier
  2. Find your ways to make the thing(s) fun, I guarantee that will help you stick with any new habit that you know makes you happier (vs. dumping out on yourself even though it serves you well)


Enjoy this article, you can read HERE.


In Creative Love and Wholeness,


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