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emotional energy

How do you know if you have emotional energy to release in the first place?

We’re designed to “flow” emotional energy rather than “gather”, “store”, or “hold on” to it.  I ask you to read the following by including your heart (yes, she can read too). It will make more sense to your heart than your head.

Just about every human being has gathered a lot of emotional energy over the long lifeline of a Soul journey. Betrayals, losses, abandonments, heartbreaks, disappointments, devastations, regrets…we all have some version of these experiences whether we inherited it or lived it.  

This energy could be intergenerational or ancestral where it’s passed on in DNA, it could be cultural, it could come from past trauma, old agreements or contracts that are completely outdated but we continue to be unconsciously run by them. 

It could be a cultural programming that seems like it’s “the way it is” but is actually energy forces that shackle our movement beyond the programming. 

The emotional issues, stories, beliefs we have that are less than whole, naturally attract additional energy like itself which is not yours. This can gather over time compounding your experience (not in a good way). 

Human beings are being given a heart call to clear this energy in order to reclaim more of their real self. All we have to do is our own part. Each person doing just their part is huge.


Because, as each person tends their system, it changes the world for the better. The world is a reflection of the sum total of each of us. As the “us” heals, so can the world.

There are some over-arching themes and operating systems that have been held in place on the planet and operating in, and through humanity for thousands of years that no longer have a stronghold. These have caused human beings to assume certain things and to live according to certain beliefs. 

These assumptions and beliefs are contrary to our true nature and contrary to living a whole-hearted life.  In this time in human history, old themes are ready to be released and cleared. 

What are some of those themes you may be wondering? 

  • That we are unworthy, not enough, unlovable
  • That being unworthy, not enough, and unlovable is unchangeable
  • That pain and disease is inevitable
  • That it’s too hard to be healthy
  • That being a worrier is ‘just who you are’
  • That to thrive and enjoy a life that is abundant and good is out of reach
  • That only a ‘choice’ few are creative when in fact, every person is born creative
  • That ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ is just the way it is
  • That to ‘atone’ for our missteps requires pain and suffering
  • That fear runs the show so it’s best to get used to it
  • That life is challenging interspersed with beautiful moments. But mostly it’s challenging
  • That betrayal, loss, abandonment, heartbreak and the like, are why we feel broken
  • That feeling of  being broken is, (unconsciously) beyond repair 

Much of this energy is not you. It’s a programming carried through generations. It feels like it’s you because it’s so familiar. But it is not you. 

It’s possible to peel and heal the layers as they present themselves. 

Being on a healing journey usually means there are layers that need tending. It’s good to be realistic about that. I had a teacher once say, “It took generations and years to build this stuff up, you’ve got to give it due time to heal.”  

I finally became willing to do my healing work at that level, and that’s when I found more enjoyable ways to release the old and welcome the real. I’m still a big-ole-work-in-progress!

My heart has always shown me the way, and yours will too. It’s the job of every heart to walk us to wholeness, however imperfect. The head has no idea how to do this, only the heart does.

How do you know if there is energy ready to release? Any one or more of these indicates that energy is ready to be cleared:

  • Something feels stuck
  • Something keeps coming back around
  • You are frustrated about an area of your life
  • Your heart feels small, contracted, anxious, heavy, sad, scared, or you can’t feel much
  • You have a difficult time staying in your body
  • Your head runs the show
  • You have any heart symptom (anxiety, depression, blood markers, etc.) because old emotional energy tends to cluster in tangles around the heart
  • You just know in your heart or gut

Culturally, we tend to gloss over these messages and go on about our life. Mostly, as far as I’ve observed because when something comes up it…

  1. Scares us
  2. We’ve not been taught how to navigate these trenches, so we simply don’t.
  3. Distractions abound pulling our attention away from hearing the intelligence of our heart

What to know about energy that’s ready to heal:

  • An emotion can’t hurt you, even though it seems horrible, it’s simply energy 
  • Avoiding, stuffing, ignoring the energy causes WAY more suffering than tending to it
  • The impulse is to “make it go away”, we’ll do what it takes to make it go away, but that isn’t healing, that’s pushing it away

Three things to “do” when you have emotional energy coming up in your awareness:

  1. Trust that it wouldn’t be coming to your awareness if it weren’t ready to heal, the heart knows what’s ready. This can make it less scary, give yourself this gift of self-compassion.
  2. Rather than stuffing, running, or resisting, consider becoming curious. You might ask questions like, “What would you have me know?”, or “Is there something you need?” This puts you more in connection than resistance. 
  3. Be sure and reach out for support. I know that if something is stubborn or keeps coming back around, it’s something I need help with, and I get it. There are people such as tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioners, or an energy healer. Sometimes we’re simply too close to our own “stuff” that we need someone who can see what we can’t.

What I can tell you is that energy is moving faster now which means it’s easier to release and heal. The opposite is also true in that, if we don’t do our healing work, it can be more intense. The wake-up calls can get loud and strong.

I believe this is because Love has arrived. She is here to heal and harmonize that which has been out of balance for too long. This shines a light on that which is not Love. 

So. That. It. Can. Be Healed.  And Returned to Love. This is the most important job we have as a human being.

The entire fabric of the Universe is Love, including you and me, and Love is calling each of us home. This is a Sacred appointment we don’t want to miss.

Liberating the Love that’s already in your heart is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, your life, the planet, and the world.

Deep bow for keeping your appointment and doing your part!

If you wish to explore more about emotional release, you can go here:

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