Intentional Creativity (IC) is a process of creating with intention, image, and language for the purpose of accessing the Truth that resides in every Heart and Soul. IC can sneak past the gates of the mind in order to reach further and deeper into the realms of wisdom, to touch, access, and awaken the treasures held in each woman.
It can be a bridge between old wounds and wholeness. Between old stories and new discoveries. Between fear and love. Between not enough and plenty.
For one who chooses to engage regularly with IC, the treasures may be gems such as:
- A closer relationship with inner guidance
- Transforming fear (really)
- Overcoming your critical mind
- Becoming a woman who feels ‘enough’ and worthy
- Accessing your birthright of Abundance and Plenty
- Creating a true and right relationship with your power (which is another word for energy or Qi or Life Force)
- Healing and transforming old stories
- Healing the body of pain, low energy, digestive problems, sleep issues, and imbalance
- Evolving the mind, body, and Spirit for the next step(s) in your life, family, or business.
- Cultivates the capacity to stay centered with more ease and grace.
- Building the muscles of visioning, clarity, focus, transmutation, and conscious creation.
- The research is growing every day, click to check it out.
The best part is that it can be playful and is delightfully colorful, as the critical mind learns to yield to the Higher Mind that always walks on Sacred Ground. New brain tracks are laid down for our very own sacred journey.
***Important*** Many women who consider themselves spiritual think they’re good. In my work with spirit-centered women, I’ve learned there’s ALWAYS room to grow. Most women don’t realize how much more there is to access. If something isn’t working in your body or life, that is a message of intelligence from your Heart and Soul that healing to wholeness is beckoning your attention.
Life and the Great Mother herself is asking each woman to move toward accessing her wholeness. It’s old programming to settle for what we have because, “it’s not that bad, or some people have it worse so I shouldn’t complain.”
To be clear…wherever you are, there is a next step, more of yourself to evolve and access. Please don’t get trapped, or stay stuck where you are. Evolving makes your life better, not worse.
The ONLY way I’ve ever grown is by working with teachers, mentors, and guides. I have for years. I still have a handful of teachers. I have Spiritual teachers, an IC teacher, and inner plane teachers.
A deep bow to Shiloh and the IC Lineage, Lucia, Patricia, Ellen, Judi, Kaia, Mary, Alex, without you, I’d still be stuck. Thank you for your ongoing love, guidance, and support. Thank you for holding a sacred space for graceful transformation, that I may do the same for others.
I can’t evolve alone. Neither can you. Nobody can. We need guidance and support from those who are walking some steps forward ,and can show the way.
I invite you to engage with Intentional Creativity for the purpose of healing and transforming what no longer serves. It’s modern day alchemy, where the old is transmuted anew.
Intentional Creativity has so much catalytic impact because it doesn’t reach into the past for context and understanding. Constantly reaching into the past as the reference point doesn’t allow for change and movement into new realities.
Creating with intention opens a space of possibility. Life needs women who are willing to engage with possibility and creative realities. I hope you realize you’re one of those women. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t.
Engaging in creativity, one touches into her Heart and dances with her Soul. I’ll meet you on the dance floor and together we shall evolve in the Love that we already are.
For your complimentary Creativity Kickstart Click Here
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For information on regular creative practice Click Here