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Abundance Abounds

Abundance Abounds

Abundance Abounds


Abundance Abounds  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

There is no shortage of nature. No shortage of air, ocean, or flowers blooming. One could argue there’s a shortage of water, healthy soil, or food. Yet, I see that as a distribution issue, rather than a shortage issue.

Abundance is like that too. An ample and plentiful supply, though there are distribution issues here for sure. Many, though not all of us have what we require as we consider ways to welcome what we desire. Though not true for all.

I heard a lecture some years back and the speaker said she felt it was the responsibility of each human being to live from a “state of abundance” (vs. lack). She spoke about abundance in all things, love, friendship, clothes, a roof over our heads, transportation, food, and money. So abundance is not just money, it’s all the things that allow for a healthy and balanced life.

She went on to say that as each of us aligns with abundance it starves lack. Lack is a false program and not part of Life’s design. Nature reminds us of this every day.

Lack is a strong false belief with many unconscious tendrils. My intention is to support the process of alchemizing lack into abundance. I believe the more this happens, the easier it will be for all beings to have their needs met.

Personally, I find these tendrils in lots of places. When I hear myself saying things like, “I can’t do that”, or “I can’t have that, be that”, showing up in just about every area of my life.

When I’m present and I catch it, I turn to this part of myself that believes in lack and accept it, thank it, and love it. Then I remember what is more true…that abundance abounds.

I remind myself as often as possible of this truth in order to build the muscle of trust that abundance abounds. Being in nature is a given for that feeling and reminder, as is being surrounded by beauty.

Visit our Cultivating Wholeness Collection to see if something speaks to you as a visual reminder that abundance abounds. If not here, then go to your favorite places, or discover new places that carry reminders for you.      You can click HERE to visit.


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Abundance Abounds

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