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Ancient Wisdom

Ancient Wisdom

Ancient Wisdom


Ancient Wisdom  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

When I first started studying Chinese Medicine 31+ years ago, it was described as “ancient wisdom in modern times”, which struck me deep and has never left.

Ancient wisdom, ancient symbols and images are common threads in the artwork I make. Not only because I love them, but because they insist on being part of the imagery. Very often, I don’t have a say in the matter :).

Our subconscious and soul recognizes symbols and images with a depth our conscious mind can’t do.

That’s why art is vital. For example, various curves of the symbols in the artwork above represent the waking up of consciousness from a deep sleep. If we don’t have visual reminders for this awakening process, it’s too easy to revert to the auto-pilot of the lower human mind.

Wisdom lives in our Higher Mind which connects to the Universal Intelligence. It is in this Intelligent field that all answers, healing, and solutions lie. This quantum field is not accessible through our lower human mind, yet is easily accessible when we lift our awareness into the Higher Mind.

The thing is, we have to remember to do that, on the regular.

Or we’re operating from a programmed mindset that latches on to problems, pain, worry, and fear.

It’s a big deal to tenaciously realign with Divine Wisdom. This alone can bring about healing in the body, peace in the mind, and joy in the heart. Really.

Connecting to our Higher Wiser Mind is instant medicine. A release of chemistry from the brain that heals, repairs, and restores wholeness, especially when done long enough and without the constant interruption of the fear-based ego mind.

It’s a practice. Reminders are imperative. I love art to be my reminder because it’s prettier than a sticky note. And I don’t know about you, but after about 2 days I stop noticing the sticky notes. That doesn’t happen with art. I keep looking, seeing something new each time, keep going in deeper, keep inviting the living wisdom that is transmitted from the art.

And it’s palpable when I’m quiet enough to feel it, falling into the category of meditation even.

What symbols do you love, what opens your heart and quiets your mind?


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Ancient Wisdom


Even knowing how to choose a work of art according to your Higher Truth is a new thing. But it’s definitely a ‘thing’. You can learn “How to Choose Art” on my website…

I hope to see you in the studio!

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