One of my favorite things is helping women ‘kickstart’ her innate creative self. Check out my blog articles to learn more about how you can awaken the Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. Grab some tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy reading about our amazing bodies with the Create to Heal blog.
Last but not least… Harvard’s #3 Creativity Component is “Motivation”
The enthusiasm or willingness to do something, and the reasons one has for doing it. That's 'motivation'. It's different for everyone. One person might be motivated to be creative for the stress relief. Another because it helps them work through things and grow better than therapy. Yet another is motivated because there's no safer, more private place to cultivate their spiritual connection.
Grand Opening Laurie Morse Art
I could not be happier to announce the Grand Opening and New Home for my Art! Come on over and take a look here:
Creative Thinking is Harvards #2 Creativity Component
Creative thinking is the ability to consider something in a new way. Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving, organization, self-expression, and communication.
“Engagement”… Harvard Creativity Component #1
Most of us are more inspired by things we like. That's a creativity clue 🙂 Engagement is one of the 3 components (the other two are creative thinking and motivation which we'll talk about next).
Harvard’s 3 Components of Creativity
Most people consider Harvard respectable. Harvard, the NIH, The Am. Psychological Assoc. have all researched creativity. The news is good for you and me. They all have lots of interesting things to say, but I'll just throw out a few here....
Why Your Creativity is Important Now
Confusion abounds, while clarity patiently awaits your attention. We will never have clarity thru the glasses of confusion. Attention is key. Confusion gets worked out in a creative process, at which point there is space for clarity.
Creative Thinking is Harvards #2 Creativity Component
Creative thinking is the ability to consider something in a new way. Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving, organization, self-expression, and communication.
“Engagement”… Harvard Creativity Component #1
Most of us are more inspired by things we like. That's a creativity clue 🙂 Engagement is one of the 3 components (the other two are creative thinking and motivation which we'll talk about next).
Harvard’s 3 Components of Creativity
Most people consider Harvard respectable. Harvard, the NIH, The Am. Psychological Assoc. have all researched creativity. The news is good for you and me. They all have lots of interesting things to say, but I'll just throw out a few here....
Why Your Creativity is Important Now
Confusion abounds, while clarity patiently awaits your attention. We will never have clarity thru the glasses of confusion. Attention is key. Confusion gets worked out in a creative process, at which point there is space for clarity.
Re: this creativity thing, how do I know?
Maybe you've heard of a "dark night of the Soul"? Here is one definition: A dark night of the soul is a kind of initiation, taking you from one phase of life into another. You may have several dark nights in the course of your life because you are always becoming more of a person and entering life more fully.
What REALLY Happens in a Creative Process?
Once your mind gets past, "I'm not creative", and becomes willing to explore just a little, something good opens in the heart and soul. This happens for everybody, no exceptions.
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