One of my favorite things is helping women ‘kickstart’ her innate creative self. Check out my blog articles to learn more about how you can awaken the Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. Grab some tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy reading about our amazing bodies with the Create to Heal blog.
Re: this creativity thing, how do I know?
Maybe you've heard of a "dark night of the Soul"? Here is one definition: A dark night of the soul is a kind of initiation, taking you from one phase of life into another. You may have several dark nights in the course of your life because you are always becoming more of a person and entering life more fully.
What REALLY Happens in a Creative Process?
Once your mind gets past, "I'm not creative", and becomes willing to explore just a little, something good opens in the heart and soul. This happens for everybody, no exceptions.
What if YOU. are. the. one?
More often than not, it seems like the world happenings are too much. How will we find our way out of the multitude of problems? What is it each one of us are supposed to do, and how can anything we do possible make a difference?
Do you know about the alchemy in creativity?
Let's start with the definition of 'alchemy'.... based on the supposed transformation of matter, particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold; process of transformation, creation, or combination.
10 Ways to Be More Creative
I find it utterly true that when I need to figure or work something out, the best place to do that is on a visual journal page. It is literally creativity teaching me about Life, offering solutions and inspiring me to be a better person, even when I feel like I can't possibly. The outcome doesn't matter, it's what happens in the process that is the gold.
3 Ways to Find Time for your Creative Self
One of the biggest barriers to a regular creative practice is time, space is another one, more on that in the near future 🙂 Many of us are plagued by the 'not enough' syndrome. Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough connection or joy or impact etc.
What if YOU. are. the. one?
More often than not, it seems like the world happenings are too much. How will we find our way out of the multitude of problems? What is it each one of us are supposed to do, and how can anything we do possible make a difference?
Do you know about the alchemy in creativity?
Let's start with the definition of 'alchemy'.... based on the supposed transformation of matter, particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold; process of transformation, creation, or combination.
10 Ways to Be More Creative
I find it utterly true that when I need to figure or work something out, the best place to do that is on a visual journal page. It is literally creativity teaching me about Life, offering solutions and inspiring me to be a better person, even when I feel like I can't possibly. The outcome doesn't matter, it's what happens in the process that is the gold.
3 Ways to Find Time for your Creative Self
One of the biggest barriers to a regular creative practice is time, space is another one, more on that in the near future 🙂 Many of us are plagued by the 'not enough' syndrome. Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough connection or joy or impact etc.
The BIGGEST secret to tapping into your creative self?
Maybe you've made up your mind that you're not at all creative. Can't even draw a stick figure. I hear you. Those were my sentiments years ago. I wrote myself off as "definitely not creative" after trying to draw a teapot. It was hideous and I shoved it onto a closet shelf. Way in the back.
Ideas to alchemize feeling “hopeless”
The Art of Returning to LOVE: How to show fear and stress the exit and…
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