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Buddha Bowl Bird

Buddha Bowl Bird

Buddha Bowl Bird


Buddha Bowl Bird ~ 12 x 12 on Canvas

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Did you know that a bowl is a ‘thing’? So are birds for that matter!

A bowl represents generosity, ritual, and promise. Who knew?

An empty bowl represents a clear mind. A full bowl represents nourishment.

Meanwhile, a bird represents freedom and infinite possibility. Some say birds also represent grace, love strength, and communication.

Then we have Buddha. An ascended master that teaches us what every human being is destined for.  


Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Gandhi, and the Buddha all had brains built essentially like anyone else’s, yet they were able to harness their thoughts and shape their patterns of thinking in ways that changed history. From the book “Buddha’s Brain” by Rick Hanson


I love bowls, I eat most meals “bowl style”. Sorry plates 🙂

I also put up a bird feeder a few years ago and every morning during my meditation I hear them singing. It’s so lovely.


I won’t bore you with the details of how the squirrels actually get more food than the birds. You should see their antics of jumping onto the birdfeeder, hanging upside down, and draining the feeder. They are all quite fat and happy. The birds patiently wait their turn. Grace.


My meditations are devoted to emptying my mind, connecting it to the higher mind and receiving thought patterns and light codes that are WAY smarter than my human thoughts. Truth be told, my human thoughts are a shit show!

It’s a practice to empty and clear the mind in order to receive nourishment. Yet, I don’t know a better practice and reminders are vital.


I’m just now realizing that this art piece is a homage to this morning ritual.

What reminders do you have in play to empty and receive in order to be free? To have access to love?

I’d love to hear.


In Creative Love and Wholeness,

Buddha Bowl Bird

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