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Budding Mandala

Budding Mandala

Budding Mandala


Budding Mandala ~ Watercolor ~ 6 x 9 (2 pieces)
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I spent years limping along with all my attention on my humanity to the exclusion of my Divinity until I finally got that it’s both/and, not either/or.

I often hear people say, something along the lines of, “Well, I’m only human.”  But the thing is, we’re not only human. We’re both human and Sacred. There would be no human without the Source (or Force if you’re a Trekkie) of LIfe.

Like two sides of the same coin. 

Like the gate and the garden.

Like the jewel and the jeweler. 

Like the Light and the lantern.

I’ve learned it’s a co-creative dance. 


And you and I…we’re the instruments or the conduits of Life Force. We’re the lanterns of Light. We can use that LIfe Force carried in on each breath to buy into a false belief that we’re broken and irreparably wounded or cultivate the wholeness we already are.

We can spend our money on trash or treasure. It’s the same idea.


Our individual and collective “Soul” is awakening and remembering our wholeness. Wholeness carries Presence, Light, Harmony, Beauty, Abundance, and Good. We get more of that when we include wholeness in our awareness. 

The language of the Soul is ‘image’. Images remind the Soul of what’s true. The piece above is actually two halves of a mandala coming together as a whole. 

Exactly what our humanity and divinity does when we consciously curate it. We’re blossoming buds.


Whether I’m looking at art or creating it I can feel my Soul awaken and remember what is true. The more humans that do that, the better the world becomes. It’s a practice that, in my humble opinion, is vital to our times.

Grab whatever tools you need to curate your humanity and divinity as whole-hearted partners, you’ll be glad you did.


In Creative Love and Wholeness,

Budding Mandala

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