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Creative Thinking is Harvard's #2 Creativity Component

Creative Thinking is Harvard's #2 Creativity Component

Creative Thinking is Harvard’s #2 Creativity Component

What does that even mean ‘creative thinking’?

I hear you. I had to look that one up and here’s what I found…

Creative thinking is the ability to consider something in a new way. Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving, organization, self-expression, and communication.

We access creative thinking (which everyone has) by engaging creatively. Kinda simple right!?

There always seems to be something that needs to be seen in a new way (our body, relationships, the world), or a problem to be solved. Creative thinking helps us get to that more serving place faster.

I just heard a quote…

“Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.”

While most of us are under the impression we’re wounded and broken and need to find our way out of that, there are some people who have discovered how to create an amazing life. I guarantee they’ve engaged creative thinking by considering things in new ways, making decisions on what’s important to them and holding their focus on it. The part of us we create from is unbroken and whole and is deep, wide, and strong. It’s not the same part of us that needs healing.

Wanna know something fun?

ALL of this can worked out in a creative journal. I’ve been doing it for years, so have others. Our ideas, inquiries, and insights need a place to live. Your creative journal is their home. Your heart/soul who speaks in image and color, needs this safe place to explore and grow.

THIS is how we create ourselves. From healing, releasing to growing and becoming. I think of this as the journey to wholeness (however imperfect).

Gotta get on the path to have a journey 🙂

In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Creative Thinking is Harvard's #2 Creativity Component


Check out how others have created amazing goodness by engaging and thinking creatively here…


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