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Cultivating Peace Matters

Cultivating Peace Matters

Cultivating Peace Matters


Peace Shall Prevail  ~ Ceramic Cup in Gift Shop ~ Click Here to View


The definition of ‘peace’ is:

1. freedom from disturbance; tranquility; mental calm; serenity; peace of mind; 2. a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended 

The thing we all want. 

One of the things I’ve learned is that peace doesn’t come with the flip of a switch. It comes only in the moments I surrender my disturbance, worry, fear, judgment, or burden (aka stress) to the Presence of Life.  

I’ve found Peace patiently waiting underneath these layers of stress if I stay centered, embodies, and present. I tend to include deep breaths as I’m moving from the stressor to the peace. 

Some stressors take longer than others to “strike peace”, but if I don’t give up, it always works.

What if we need a critical mass of human beings ‘striking peace’ to tip the scales away from war and disturbing conditions? That’s my inner knowing. Will you join me?

As I’ve said repeatedly, I purposefully surround myself with reminders. Reminders to be in the present moment with the Higher Wisdom of Life, to breathe, to trust, to include my heart along with my head, to choose peace, and to invite the healing intelligence of Light.

Visit our gift shop to see if something speaks to you for a possible reminder. A visual reminder to choose peace. You can click HERE to visit.


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Cultivating Peace Matters

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