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How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

Fertile Ground as Self Nourishment

Fertile Ground  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View


Being immersed in Chinese Medicine for the past 30+ years has taught me a deep appreciation for Earth’s Elements.  You and I are made up of these same elements in that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm. We have water, fire, earth, air in us (think internal fluids, circulation, inflammation, digestion/nourishment, and breath).

The fifth element is Wood, which represents you and I as a Tree of Life (not to mention wood is everywhere and we couldn’t have life on Earth without trees). The Tree of Life represents each human being in that we are rooted into Mother Earth, we receive Light from above as a Life Force that animates and produces fruit (in a flower it’s a blossom, in a seed it’s a sprout that becomes a plant, and in a human it’s healthy function of mind, body, and Spirit). This all happens by way of our connection to a living planet with a magnetic Life Force. This life force combined with the Light from the Sun sustains all Life on Earth.

Fertile ground is vital for health. Sometimes we forget just how connected to nature we are. How much of an extension of nature all of Life is. How vital to our health the receiving of these elements is. Whether it’s through food, water, breath, thoughts, feelings, time in nature, movement, or the exchange of Love which is the ultimate expression of the Source of Life.

I love that art can serve as ‘reminders’ of the basics. The core foundation of being alive on Earth. That we walk on Fertile Ground and this ground is Sacred (when we’re aware of that truth).

The piece highlighted in this e-mail started out as a Tree of Life painted in black and white. It sat around in my studio for a couple of months until she was ready to continue emerging (that’s generally how it happens :). I had no idea where the piece was going through the beginning stages, which is almost always the case, until layer upon layer her imagery becomes clear. I just follow the creative life force.

You might be able to see on the left side of the panel a dark tree trunk and roots at the bottom which is the Tree of Life. Covered now with color and alchemy and bounty. You can click HERE if you want to see the piece a little larger.

In my morning meditations one of the things I set up for the day is that every step I take is on Sacred and Fertile ground. That Mother Earth meets my steps with her bounty and essence and that I’m rooted steady, sturdy and strong as I move about my day. Over the years, I’ve learned how important it is to ask for what I want, and because I ask I can sense this connection and stability which means a lot during these time when the ground beneath us seems to be shifting.

Do you have ways you stay connected to the Fertile Ground you walk upon? Let us know HERE. Or just reply to this e-mail and let me know!


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

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