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Grand Opening Laurie Morse Art

Grand Opening Laurie Morse Art


Grand Opening Laurie Morse Art


Dear Art Lover,

I could not be happier to announce the Grand Opening and New Home for my Art!

“Art and Love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing your Higher Self in things that your awareness lands upon.”

I have one purpose in creating art and that is as a reminder and vehicle to transmit Love into many places and spaces in the world. Love is the essence of Life, and Beauty is the expression of Life. Art is the best way I know to “express Life and Love”.

There are lots of ways to express Life…hugs, tea, a thoughtfully prepared meal, nature, a walk, kindness, a smile, the list is VERY long, and I have found that I can distill all of it into an art piece. So, there’s that!

Come on over and take a look here:

There’s lots to explore, if you can’t see it all in one visit, come back anytime. In fact, the space will remain dynamic with steady changes so feel free to pop in on the regular.

Just so you don’t miss anything you may want to subscribe to The Studio e-mail near the bottom of the Home page where I’ll be sending out previews and upcoming events without overwhelming your inbox (I’m not a fan of too many e-mail from anyone!)

There are a few things we’re still working on which will be coming soon so stay tuned! The Quarterly Box, Reproductions, and the Gift Shop to be specific.

Feel free to share this Studio Space with those you care about, especially the guide on How to Choose Art (on the Home page).

Virtual Studio Tour:



In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Grand Opening Laurie Morse Art


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