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Heart Womb Power

Heart Womb Power

Heart Womb Power


Heart Womb Power  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

It’s no secret that the Heart is Sacred. A portal for connection to Higher Wisdom and Love. It’s much more than a muscular organ that pumps, although this organ is vital.
An organization that has done some prolific research on the heart is  It’s worth taking a look, it might give you a reason to fall in love with your heart.
The womb space is the center of creativity. In Chinese Medicine, this area is called the Dantian, dan t’ian, dan tien or tan t’ien, and is loosely translated as “elixir field”, “sea of Qi”, or simply “energy center”.  Beyond fostering and birthing new life, it is a powerful center for both men and women.
The heart center, and womb or dantian centers connect. Being aware of this and even consciously fostering it cultivates personal power. Not abusive power or abdication of power, but right action kind of power, directed by the creative life force, sea of Qi, and heart. So good.
There’s a simple way to foster this connection by placing the palm of one hand on your heart center, the palm of the other hand on your lower abdomen, and simply breathing 3 or 4 times with the intention to connect the two centers. This can be done anytime and anywhere.
It is from this place that we can best “co-create” with Life.
If more humans were aware of this option and chose it, wow, how the world could shift for the better.
Visit our Cultivating Wholeness Collection to see if something speaks to your heart… You can click HERE to visit.


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Heart Womb Power

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