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How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

Lotus Love One  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View


A Lotus flower has its beginnings in the dark, dank mud. We don’t see this initial beginning just as we don’t usually see the burst of life from the seed planted in the earths soil, yet this mud is the foundation.  The Light pulls the Lotus Flower up and out of the mud into the light of day for a wonderful display of beauty.

We live near Balboa Park in San Diego, CA, USA, and this park has a lotus pond, but it’s way bigger than the average pond, it’s probably half the size of a football field, and those Lotus Flowers spring forth regularly in all their beauty, which I appreciate so much.

I ponder the analogy of the Lotus Flower often.

It is as if the dark, dank mud is prized nourishment. When I think about that, it helps me put all my pain and suffering into perspective. It’s a reframe that allows me to stop resisting my yet-to-be-healing stuff and instead, use it as compost.

And to allow the Light to do its work. The work of transformation from dark dense energy, to the blossoming of beauty. A human mind might say, “Who me, I’m not that beauty.” But each of us are that beauty. Each of us are extensions of Light from the Source of Life. We are in the process of remembering that. It’s ok to forget, but life is easier when we remember.

I like to surround myself with art that activates my heart and soul to remember. I love to choose colors that amplify Divine Qualities whether to wear or just to look for during the day. It’s so much easier to get past the gates of the analytical mind and reach into the subconscious soul (which runs the show) and prompt healing, invite Truth, and awaken wholeness with art. You can see a list of those Divine Qualities on pages 11 and 12 in this: Sketchbook_ebook.pdf

Trusting that there is a path from wounded to wholeness is more of a soul thing than a mind thing. Truly that path exists. The point of life is to walk that path and discover the treasure of wholeness. Creativity, art, nature, light, learning to love, releasing fear, self-acceptance and intention are just a few of the treasures we excavate on the journey. Let art support you. Let art inspire you. Let art help you to remember the purpose of Life is a Return to Love.

Even amid all the chaotic world happenings, the Return to Love is going on. It might be hard to see or even believe which is why we need art.


Learning how to choose a work of art according to your Higher Truth is a new thing. But it’s definitely a ‘thing’. You can learn “How to Choose Art” on my website….


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

How to Learn from a Lotus Flower

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