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Layers and Layers of Love

Layers and Layers of Love

Layers and Layers of Love

Discovering Wholeness One  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View


Human beings love a good adventure. As the story goes we chose to incarnate into these bodies and have this adventure call Life on Earth. At least on a soul level we thought this was a good idea. Apparently, we were so knowing and trusting of our true nature that it didn’t matter where we came through on the planet. We knew we would find our way. What mattered was… to. be. here. now.

I admit, some days I think, “What the hell was I thinking?”

But then I take a deep breath, drop into my heart, connect with my Higher Self and remember the journey. The journey from fear to Love. Which has layers and layers to it. Remember, forget. Remember a little longer, forget again, and so on for a lifetime.

What is it we are remembering?

Thus far what I’ve discovered is this….

  • Each of us are made of Light, and that Light carries Love. In fact we are SO much light that we’re veritable light shows (warning: I’m kind of a broken record about this 🙂
  • When I yield to that light, it shows me the way. Just like switching on a light in a dark room so you can find your way around
  • The practice of yielding to that light is like any other practice, it takes LOTS of repetition to ‘get it’
  • Like walking a labyrinth over and over, each circle reveals more just as each layer reveals more

Under every life experience are layers of love awaiting discovery. There’s so much more Love than there is anything else, yet we carry on as if that’s not true. Our adventure is to discover, under the layers, the treasure that is Love in your Life, as you.

I don’t know about you but when I go traveling or on an adventure, I bring along certain things to make the journey easier, to help me ‘discover’ cool stuff. That’s how I think of art. It’s cool stuff to have to make the journey more enjoyable.

Does that make sense? I hope so. It’s fleece for cold weather and cushy flip flops in hot weather. Gotta have them.

Our home and work spaces are the fixed places we journey from. The safe spaces where we go inside and draw out more of ourselves. I believe these spaces serve us better with sacred art on the walls. In the spirit of…the soul speaks in image and color and symbol and intention…art is a way to give your soul some love.

What art does our soul love?


In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Layers and Layers of Love

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