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Work in Progress - Light

Work in Progress – Light


Work in Progress ~ Light ~ 24 x 18

Light. It’s everything. Yet we don’t learn or talk about it. I’m devoted to changing the conversation to include Light. Because it’s everything. Did I mention that already?

Why does it matter?

If we acknowledge (and science does) that every particle and wave of Life is Light, then that means we are made of that same substance of Light. 

I get it, sometimes we can’t see it, feel it, know it, or trust it. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Like the sun still exists even if behind the clouds.


Sometimes it feels as if we’re in a dark forest with no light at all. Even a sliver of light is welcomed so we can follow it and let it lead us out of the darkness into the light. To an open meadow where the sun is warm, the river flows, the trees are bursting with fruit, and hope is restored.

To some that may sound too fantastical or Sound of Music-ish, but it’s a reasonable analogy. The only tricky part is getting our human mind on board. Our heart and soul is already on board and patiently waiting.


Everything a human being requires and desires exist in and as Light. That’s worth reading again and asking your heart for deeper clarity. Everything.


When I work with people I invite them to consider the value of inviting Light into their minds, their body, and their Life. It activates a level of healing that does not exisit in any other person, place, or thing. The best part…it’s free medicine.

I’m not saying ditch everything else, rather I’ve learned that if I begin (as in start here, first up) with Light as a guide, the right people, places, and things present themselves as viable options. Things I would have been able to see in the dark.


Light is already whole and complete. Already abundance and filled with ease. Light is the same thing as Love. Light carries Love. Love is the expression of Life in physical form. Can you believe that, it’s the best!

I’m constantly inviting Light into my being and asking the Light to help me remember that since it’s already whole and harmonious then it’s safe for me to let go of whatever appears to be the opposite. Again, it’s free and potent medicine. Try it and see what you notice. 


Alchemy isn’t about turning lead into gold, it’s about turning ego into soul. And Light is the catalyst. Boom!

Stay tuned and I’ll keep you posted with more inside scoop on Light.  



In Creative Love and Wholeness,

Work in Progress - Light


P.s. there is Light in paint and my artwork, it’s the main reason I engage in art making because it’s a way to honor Light in form.

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